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How about... fixing America... ideas? ($h*t-talk I guess,)

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If you guys want to post "LOSER TALK" about the "destruction of Amerikka", that's fucking fine, it's not like any single one of us has any power over anything anyway-


But me, I'm an idealist, and I say, let's talk about FIXING America.

Dare I say? 

"Making America the BOSS again"?


Doing that to me means legalizing everything that only puts the INDIVIDUAL at risk.

Don't want to wear a helmet on your motorcycle? COOL BRO.

Don't want to wear a seatbelt when you're the only one in the car? Good job. Other passengers in the vehicle? THAT'S STILL a TICKET

(unrestrained persons become projectiles in an accident).

Want to be a life-long drug addict? GET STERILIZED.



Let's face it, we're sick of seeing all these stupid faces we'll never meet or remember, and hearing about the people on welfare with more kids than sense is upsetting.

Not to mention the despair the homeless population brings TO EVERYONE.

Mandatory birth control until individuals have paying jobs able to support themselves.


Mandatory gun dis-arming awareness classes IN SCHOOL.

I propose every American should know how to unload a firearm.

Guns exist, and I believe outlawing guns makes them only available TO outlaws. But every American should know how to unload the firearms we are used to*     

(*the most common firearms)


Recompensation over punishment in our criminal system:

(Instead of slave-labor punishment,)

Assign FEES to legal infractions, then assign skilled labor system assignments to pay those fees- 

When the "offended" person is financially compensated, the "outlaw" person is released.

Instead of "con college", now this could be "compensation college".


Added profits to COMPLETELY American companies.

Fuck outsourcing, let's bring the jobs (and reliability) back here. Where it fucking belongs.


And of course, benefits for those of us re-using and preserving our "old" vehicles

(did you know "recycling" a car into a new "prius" creates more pollution than it saves?)



I feel like this is the shortest of the short list.


P.S. Republican or Democrat, all presidents are members of the secret order of the "Skull & Bone(rs) society" so fuck-you for trusting ANY of them. 

(they're all on the SAME TEAM, and that "team" is against YOU)


In my lifetime, I dream of not being disappointed in a President.

Or having a president that's NOT part of the "skull & bones"...



BIG DREAMS            FTW

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I'm a thinker and a dreamer (and documented "3rd partier"), who hopes that in his lifetime at least 1 president won't COMPLETELY disappoint. And I feel like Trump could have been great; but he listened to the wrong people, took the wrong stances and said the wrong things. I feel that way. That's how I feel about that. The whole thing. Maybe if he would have championed his image as a businessman, ignored the right and the left, and explored the VAST awaiting industry that could be HEMP (not medical prescriptions or consumables, but THINGS) could provide, I think things would have been different. But he played "chicken" and only legalized CBD. Which, if you haven't tried CBD, and you have daily pain, you're missing out. It can be better than drinking, that pain relief (and I'm an alcoholic,). Trump should have done things differently. He didn't, so we're trying someone else. 

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One politicized topic is enough I think based on past experience. If you have a counter point to 'Destruction" what better place than in that topic? rather than two divergent topics not generally followed by both mind sets but perhaps they should.


I'm going to lock this one from further posting and you let me know and I can merge it into "Destruction" and perhaps change the title to reflect it?

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