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Fucking tornado warnings

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So I'm outside working on pulling my dead battery out of my Acura to swap one from my 2500, so I can start the pos to make sure it's still running. when my phone starts beeping bloody murder at me saying theirs a tornado warning, now a few minutes later I see the suns come out and it's nicer out than it has been all day. And I've lost my 3 8ths ratchet, ext, and 10mm deep socket. Now I'm super pissed cause that's the ratchet I use the most and I can't find it in either vehicle or their engine bays. Fawk I know it's not worth it to get all worked up but damn it burns my a$$. It feels better to bitch a little now to keep looking

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You should move to Spokane.  Not many tornados, the few that crop up are pretty weak.  No earthquakes.  There are a bunch of hoopfest assholes, but they've gone home now. ;)

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Random noises coming from the phone are bad.  I was carrying two phones for awhile and one of them just started flipping shit.  I looked at it and it was because of an Amber alert 200 miles away.  They the other one started going off...

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Guest Rick-rat

Tuition would be pretty high for out of state residents west of Montana, Wyoming. You would probably be better of staying on the East coast and trying to get datto parts shipped from people out here in the west coast. We have lots of rain here, it rains every day ,once in a while we get to see the sun pop out briefly. we don't water our lawns we have dryers for them. we are constantly having  flood warnings, water spouts that are like small hurricanes. And wind storms that are horrific when they come through. The only trees left in Eastern Washington are the tall white ones with 3 limbs that rotate. when it snows you are on your own, power outages widespread,  they have no clue on how to clear the roads. the sand they put on the roads is more like 1/2 minus rock, constantly buying headlights and windshields, at least 1 windshied a year.




What am I realy trying to say?

































 We don't want you on the west coast, especially in Washington B)  :w00t:  :thumbup:

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I have put some thought into moving out west for college. More dattos and such but I don't know if I would stay, I grew up all up and down the east coast and love it. Contemplation's will be had

The east coast is a nice place.......to be FAR FROM.

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Originally from north Alabama... major part of tornado alley.  Had 2 aunts killed by a class 5 back in depression era.  I didn't know them, I'm only 49 this year and they were just little girls.  Same place as 2011 disaster area... Phil Campbell Alabama. 


Like someone said earlier just be glad there's warnings now even if sometimes premature.  


Also when working on Datsuns,  just get a bunch of cheap 3/8 socket wrenches and excessive amounts of 8, 10, 12,  14 & 17 mm sockets laying around everywhere, it'll save you a bunch of time !

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