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Anyone here have a the brake adapter auto cads?

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Hey I got a buddy who's in school for machining and he is going to try and get access to the CNC machine to make me caliper brackets for my car. Anyone here by any chance have the auto cad for any of the Datsun 510 brake caliper conversions? (front and rear) doesn't really matter to me, the calipers itself are usually the cheapest to buy. The brackets are surprisingly the most expensive piece and I'm sure people dont want to release there "secrets" but if theres anyone out there who does I would like to check it out :)

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There is no need to get all snippy lol. Your asking for silly shit form the get go man, expect a little sarcasm and ball breaking. 

Like you said you got a bud going to the school, then let him design his own. Doubt highly someones going to go through all the trouble so they can post them online publicly for some 90 post stranger who just happens to ask, be realistic... 

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I don't see how it's silly to ask for an autocad, if I recall someone posted the dimensions earlier, I'm just having a hard time finding it. I didn't realize it hurt to ask.


Same reason why people spend countless hours writing DIY's for a bunch of "90" post strangers to learn. Just because I don't have time to post like a whore shouldn't make me unworthy of having access to this kind of information.


And my friend is a full time student and works a late night job, not only is he using his own time and tuition money to use the CNC but it would be pretty unfair for me to ask him to design me these brackets after he is supplying me with the material and the time.


Seriously, if your not going to contribute lets save both of us the time.

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72 is right... Its not going to happen. People spend hours of time designing CAD models and for them to just be given away, not likely. Simple dimensions are different than fully designed CAD models. If you want the dimensions, they are available in the DQ Archives. Theres even a diagram for you to follow. 

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The 510 front struts are usually the first thing to go. Owners swap zx struts in and they already fit the much larger zx caliper plus it is lower.



This is for the '81-'83 280zx rear brake calipers. I don't know if the earlier zx will work on this.


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