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My photobucket acct.

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wayno i actually answered one of there pop up serveys and got a return call and spent about 15 minutes trying to explain the problems i was having ....they were pretty recepticve......even after i started the conversation like this....


"who ever designed the new layout and interface needs to be tied to a pole in the lunch room and be subjected to a weeks worth of taters tots thrown at them for 7 consecutive days.... once thats complete,   fire them...."...


it got a chuckle....i said "in all fairness there's so much i like about how photobucket it keeps me from dumping you no matter how slow u make my pc or how many pop ups...but this new layout is making me think long and hard...but u should promote the person who suggested we be allowed to return to the old layout....."

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I just received a survey from photobucket, it had about twenty questions, and it had one question(18) asking if they added the #1 feature(question 17) I missed in the new photobucket format, would I use the new format, and it did not have a way of explaining my decision which sucked, as if they added the top 2 ranked features, yes I would likely use the new format, but I said no I would not, and added my explanation in the last questions "other" box which likely did not do any good, as that question was which service did I have, free or paid.

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mine was just a survey that come up when i defaulted back to the original pb.....once i answered there questions and gave a reason why the last question is can we contact u about pb.... i clicked yes and i bet they wished i didn't...

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