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August Fasting

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lol! that would be epic. how long before it becomes self aware and starts looking for sarah connor?


I dunno but it flipped the breaker a few times.



Almost 3 hours of railroad track and swamp. Climbed some crazy ridges and jumped plenty of logs.

Feel Great! Smell like shit...

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I lost 37 pounds in a couple months (2), Ran like hell, cut out all shit. stoped drinking soda, got off my ass.. 187 to 150. now 147, but that's because I've been lazy as fuck.

yes I lost 3 lbs of muscle. i'm 5"10 (Cowinkydink!!!) fasting is meh, I just sped up my metabolism.. ate a lot and stayed active..

Now I need to lose my ass :lol:

that was when I was 15ish.. olzz I abooot to be 17 in a month :lol: I is bony from stomach up, (Not my arms, I ain't no bitch) like my collar bones and neck and shizzzz I even have like spike things (clavicle? they really pointy and defined) on my shoulders.. lol I can poke people with it!!

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If you ever get demotivated, Just remember why you are doing it in the first place. If you really want that body you must push through physical and most importantly mental barriers.

I got in shape because I need to get in shape for the military. I've slacked off because I figured I need to live my life.. If I got in shape in a couple months, I can do it again..

Just remember and push through, calling my self a pussy and screaming works often times :lol:

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just to add some info in regards to the hiit/tabata workouts for anyone that is unaware.


the workout works on a 2 to 1 ratio.

that is, 2 parts intensive working and 1 part resting. for example,

exercise at (as close to) 100% for 20 seconds, and then rest for ten seconds. repeat that 8 times.

in total it is only a 4 minute workout!!! BUUUT, working as hard as you can in each of those 20 seconds

has elevated your heart rate and jacked your metabolism thru the roof for the next 24-48 hours (so they say.)


the tabata workout was developed by a japanese Dr with the last name of Tabata, who was training olympians and

trying to get maximal fitness gains with the minimal time that he had to do it.


my favorite exercise for my 4 minutes are burpee, squats, lunges, and a few others

because you dont have to do the same exact exercise over and over, plus you want to switch it up to work your full body.


for example:


time exercise total time at end

:20 burpees :20

:10 rest :30

:20 burpees :50

:10 rest 1:00

:20 burpees 1:20

:10 rest 1:30

usually by my second or third set of burpees im pretty exhausted so i switch it up to another exercise

:20 crunches 1:50

:10 rest 2:00

:20 squats 2:20

:10 rest 2:30

:20 push ups 2:50

:10 rest 3:00

:20 burpees 3:20

:10 rest 3:30

:20 lunges 3:50

:10 rest 4:00



if you have a laptop or tablet you can bring that to where youre working out and use a tabata timer

to help keep the time for you http://www.tabatatimer.com/ thats easier than trying to keep the time

yourself by looking at your watch or something.


the key is to try to go as hard as you can (doing as many quality reps as you can) in each of those 20 seconds.

have a trash can near by because you might puke from exertion.

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OP should watch the movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. It's about a man who goes on a liquid diet, and the tranformation he made. You can also log onto their website: fatsickandnearlydead.com. They give recipes, adive, etc..

He went from being dependent on pills for the various ailements in his body to being pretty damn fit.


I'm gonna try it out here shortly.

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