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The fuel economy of today's cars pisses me off after watching these

yeah me too. you'd think we would have learned from the oil embargo in the 70's. i'm getting 35+ mpg in my 78 b210, and it has a weber and the regular h72 head with oval exhaust ports (i think the super fuel economy B's had the 990 heads with smaller round ports) the metal is so thin it only weighs 2000 pounds, it zips around quite nicely. i love it. before i abandoned all other cars for a steady diet of datsun, i was driving a 4runner getting 15 mpg. what a nightmare. i feel like a fool for ever driving it. datsun saves. (and the new fuel economy cars suck)

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yeah me too. you'd think we would have learned from the oil embargo in the 70's. i'm getting 35+ mpg in my 78 b210, and it has a weber and the regular h72 head with oval exhaust ports (i think the super fuel economy B's had the 990 heads with smaller round ports) the metal is so thin it only weighs 2000 pounds, it zips around quite nicely. i love it. before i abandoned all other cars for a steady diet of datsun, i was driving a 4runner getting 15 mpg. what a nightmare. i feel like a fool for ever driving it. datsun saves. (and the new fuel economy cars suck)


understatement alert! nothing pisses me off more than the smug hybrid owning bastards, and the traffic jams they cause. i dunno how many times I've been stuck in a snarl on I5 only to get to the front of it to discover one prius passing another at 56 mph. you wanna see one of those little bastards move...lol....i get right on their ass in my lifted 3/4 ton yukon XL. sure it gets 15 mpg on the freeway.... but the look on their face when all they can see is my license plate taking up their whole rear view mirror is priceless. or all these damn "hybrid only" parking spaces that have popped up in the more liberal parts of town. id like to see how them little fucks hold up in another 32 years... cause my datsun will still be running strong.



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