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Z Car Illustration

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I know I said I was gonna finish the 60s NASCAR series I'm doing first, but I ran across a Z that I just had to draw. Posted here is an early wireframe. I'll keep updating here as I go. It'll be done in the same style as my BRE510 I posted a few weeks ago and the Red Farmer 510 in my sig.



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Shit. It looks good the way it is.


Thanks, goon. Your post got me thinking about one that was just a wire frame. That actually would look great on a shirt. When I get everything wire framed, I'm going to post an update in this thread. Maybe if I get enough interest, I can print some shirts. Won't cost me anything to mock them up and post them here, that's for sure.


BTW, I'm insanely jealous that you have not one but TWO real ones. Some day, man. Some day.



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Put some swastika rims on it it reminds me of mine and I would totally steal this image for myself!Also I have been thinking about it how cool would it be to have a coin shaped like your favorite car? I am in the military and we love our crazy coins. Sorry to go off on a tangent.

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