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Project 5Teeezy.........A Pharaoh's 510.....

Busta Nut

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LOLLERSKATES!  Dude...totally wrong application....sure ok for setting the car down on to check for final placement of a permanet fixture for the threaded sleev to sit on.  Driving on that without any support (i.e. weld bead) is balls...it's SUPER hack!


MMk... Wrong application, not gonna argue that, doesnt stop it from working... And tell that to all who do it on this forum... I have personally driven on it for 2 years without an issue. Even going so far as adjusting my height with it. You would sooner bend any number of suspension components before it moved. Ask me how I know! My 280zx spindle now has permanent negative camber. My Collar remained unmoved. I guess I have balls of steel! And if you knew how I drive, you would know they have seen as much force as they will ever see. Also, in my world hacks are a good thing. hacks are a way to get what you want the easy way. So yes, super hack.


Yes, I agree, they are not proper.

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I just want to clarify my post was not meant as a knock on split collars.


I've seen them work for all who have done it. And frankly, the weld/thin metal perch that it replaces is just as prone to failure in my eyes. Especially one that is welded on later. Plus they can be adjusted. These split collars are, I believe rated for load from that axis. So not entirely the wrong application. It's not DOT certified or anything, but unless I hear a story of failure, I'd be comfortable with it.


/thread jack

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Was not intended as a thread jack, my aplogies, just a suggestion to not go that route.  I work in the professional racing industry and have for the last 18 years.  No fabricator that i know or have worked with would send a car on track with a shaft locating collar installed as a spring perch holding the car up solely by the tensile strength of the bolts and the surface friction of a split collar.  In fact, I will be working with a friend who used to work @ NPTI (they built the factory backed GTP effort in the late 80's early 90's) today and he happens to be a professional fabricator, I'll ask him what he thinks about the shaft collar spring perch. I can tell you that a steel ring welded properly is just a stong as the larger thin metal ring that was welded on at the factory back in Japan.


@Busta, I will weld up your casings once you decide on the placement, if you want to go that route.  I can tell you where mine were welded and give you a RH number from center of wheel to FL.  Carry on posting pics of your build, no disrespect.

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Non taken..........to each his own.......


Like I said......this is temporary.......I don't care how good they work......I don't like how they look on the strut tube.......and I can't weld mine on cause they're aluminum....


I would prefer to have the welded collar.......it's cleaner AND the right way to do it........then again......I also have never heard of a split collar failing.......



@MtTam510.......when I figure out where exactly where I want them........I will call on you for some welding....... :thumbup:



...........as for today.........the MOAR LOWAR has begun...........

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How much did you shorten the 280zx struts and what insert did you use? I shortened my 510 struts. 4 1/4" and used kyb insert from I think a rabbit... It was a part number that James gave me and I went to orielly and they cross referenced it and I got the kyb inserts. Part number that James gave me was Gabriel ultra G44763. I also am using 280zx tophats which are 3/4" shorter than 510 tophats. I'm going to slam the fucker!


But hey real nice build! Super clean work!

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I cut out 1 3/8" out of the strut tube.......used a Koni 5way adjustable deal out of the rear of an 88 MR2 cause that's the shortest high performance insert I could find......


Found a real nice Rabbit insert I wanted to try to use real bad......was a Bilstein......but I would need the threads from a rabbit tube to thread the custom nut on....I'll show pics later of the different inserts I ordered......


To be honest.......you don't need a rabbit insert........you'll see why......




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I set the collar at 7" from the bottom as a starting point.........my springs are 175lb.....


...........I know.....they're way light.........my Lude happens to have a set of 250lb & 350lb spring that will fit the 510........


I will install each set over time to get the sense of different rates in a 510........................









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I obviously cannot drive it this low......can't turn the wheel more than a 1/4 turn before tire hits the fender........



I raised it up and went for a short drive with Skyblue and FtO......by this time it's about 1:30a.m.


Forgot to get oics with all the excitment.....



Went home and parked.........came out to this the next morning......





















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