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Anyone around Washington Coast(ish) area wanna meet?


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I spent so much energy trying to get the 4 cars ( that didn`t make it ) that i forgot the camera by the phone...Hope someone took a few of kens monster 620 ..And it was a good Datsun turn out They may have been mostly yours but one of the best turn outs so far this year..

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Thanks tristin rick and andrew for comin out today, sorry I had to leave so suddenly (stupid horse)


Thanks for having us!


Today ended up being a pretty good day. Awesome weather good, food, and drive spotted a few really nice cars. We almost ran into a bunch of cyclists... the funny part was that two of the cyclists were riding a tandem bike. They were wearing sport jerseys, nice helmets, and riding pilot/copilot style haha.


Thanks for being my driving buddy Rick!- always a pleasure.

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Well have to do this again for shure :) I was surprize that we were able to get uncle bill and aunt peg to come.. even if it was mostly family the turn out today made this my best bday to date :)


I know who has the flat black/rust red truck, he's a dick, but no he wasn't coming from my party (actually I forgot he had a datsun otherwise I woulda invited him cuz he's done a TON of custom work to that truck) that cab is actually the front of a kc and back of a standardd cab welded together and up close you can't tell unless you know what to look for.. he did a great job


You want pics of kens 4wd? I can get you tons ;) oh and I got a few good pics of our line up, but. I don't have interwebs at home and idk how to post from the phone..


Next meet will have to be at the begining of the month and go for a cruise.. when we left uncle bill had me go first just so he could blow my doors off.. I dispize wagons, but the dragon wagon is one wagon I would sport..


Ugh my shoulders are killin me now.. I didn't know but apparently I was in the sun enough to get blistered.. it was a good day indeed thank you all again

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