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10 Rules for Dealing with the Police.

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watched these before.


Dudes right. Knowledge IS power.





Keep yourself up to date on your local laws. It will help you down the road when a nasty cop tries to give you shit for something retarded.

Edited by metalmonkey47
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watched these before.


Dudes right. Knowledge IS power.


Keep yourself up to date on your local laws. It will help you down the road when a nasty cop tries to give you shit for something retarded.


I got the shit riot from a cop because I wouldn't let him search the Z. He kept saying "If you have nothing to hide, you'd let me take a look around. Why are you acting suspicious?"


"Officer, the Supreme Court has ruled that upholding one's rights is not suspicious behavior. If you would like to look through my property, you are free to acquire a warrant. Am I free to go or am I being detained, sir?"


At that point I just stopped talking, except to ask the free/detained question once more. Little known fact, you can invoke your 5th amendment right WHENEVER you want, not just in court. Since cops ARE allowed to lie to you, ask such, you have no idea what you might say that can be used to incriminate you, thus you don't say anything, ever, at all.







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Sad thing is the cop is not your friend, cannot be trusted, and minutes away when seconds count.


A buddy of mine set up a video camera through his computer that would text him when it detected significant movement. He gets an MMS of some dude breaking into his garage, logs into his server, and its literally watching the guy trying to break into his house.


He's on the phone with 911 having to explain why he absolutely must have a cop sent to his house right now as he is watching the guy break the window as they are talking. The 911 twit couldn't seem to comprehend how he could be at work watching someone break into his house.


"It's called technology!"


Then again, he's in Arkansas, so it probably isn't that much of a surprise.

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...you have no idea what you might say that can be used to incriminate you, thus you don't say anything, ever, at all.

listen to miranda

"...he or she has the right to remain silent, and that anything the person says will be used against that person in court..."


this is AFTER they arrested you, towed your car...

only cause they were short of their 'quota' and had a bad cup of coffee.




not that i'd know anything about that kinda thing



silence is golden, handcuffs are silver

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My dad is a cop and he even told me to say no to a search...lol


But, be polite and kiss thier ass is usually the best way. Usually admitting something stupid like speeding/rolling through a stop sign, will do you better then arguing, as well. You argue, they'll find something else you did wrong that they would've otherwise overlooked...or, in my dads case, thats the difference between a ticket and a warning...hahaha.


And, in the event your car is ever illegally searched...doesn't matter if they found a blu-ray quality DVD of you shooting Abe Lincoln, that evidence is null being the search was conducted unlawfully.


And...last little diddy...never agree to a breathalizer, and, if ever the case you must drive drunk (don't though)...carry a bottle of hard liquor in the car. If you get in an accident...throw the keys out of the window (you are no longer in operation of the vehicle)...and chug the bottle crying about the accident. There...prove you were over the limit beforehand.


I didn't say that last part nor did I hear it from a cop.


On with the chlorophyl.

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My dad is a cop and he even told me to say no to a search...lol


But, be polite and kiss thier ass is usually the best way. Usually admitting something stupid like speeding/rolling through a stop sign, will do you better then arguing, as well. You argue, they'll find something else you did wrong that they would've otherwise overlooked...or, in my dads case, thats the difference between a ticket and a warning...hahaha.


And, in the event your car is ever illegally searched...doesn't matter if they found a blu-ray quality DVD of you shooting Abe Lincoln, that evidence is null being the search was conducted unlawfully.


And...last little diddy...never agree to a breathalizer, and, if ever the case you must drive drunk (don't though)...carry a bottle of hard liquor in the car. If you get in an accident...throw the keys out of the window (you are no longer in operation of the vehicle)...and chug the bottle crying about the accident. There...prove you were over the limit beforehand.


I didn't say that last part nor did I hear it from a cop.


On with the chlorophyl.


Problem is a lot of states let cops file "assumptive DUIs". It's why people who demand a blood test that takes two hours to finally get around having taken "blow" the equivalent of, say, a 0.6, the cops can assume that two hours ago, you were over the limit. It's complete bullshit. Hell, the fact that declining a breathalyzer is immediate grounds for arrest shits all over the Constitution, but pussies in the SCOTUS have ruled that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to DUI charges "since people weren't driving when the Constitution was written".


Then there's the fact that the manufacturer margin for error on the most common breathalizers is +/- 0.02. So, your BAC of 0.07 may show up anywhere from 0.05 to 0.09 and that is a manufacture approved range. What the Christ? Then you have the fact that the meters themselves, not just the tubes, are subject to consumption, and old meters wear out, start having even more wild range swings, but many times the QC on them is less than once every six months, more often once a year. And finally there is the joy of your own physiology. In the exporatory phase of alcohol metabolism, you can be virtually sober BAC wise, but you're now breathing off far more ethanol metabolites, so your BAC of 0.02 can easily read 0.1. Yet the state, cops, and everyone who's slated to make money off of absurd DUI laws don't care that the "sober DUI" is a very real phenomenon, and that thousands of people every year are wrongly accused. Hell, if you just finished a single drink at dinner, and you took the last bit just before heading out to the car, and get pulled over a few minutes later, you can blow a solid 0.2 and find yourself going to jail over a single drink and a cop's lazy judgement. Then again, it's not always the cops fault. A lot would like to employ holistic approaches that balance device measurements with the actual presentation of the individual, but policy and laws won't allow them to. We can thank the neo-prohibition group MADD for that bullshit.


There used to be a cop who'd come by all the bars on Hwy 99 around closing and harass people who were sleeping in their cars in the parking lots. One of the bars, I think the Hideaway, had a sign that even said "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here, unless you need a nap." Jackbook tried saying that the owner couldn't make that decision... uh, what? I think he got fired for having sex with a 17 year old.

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