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All quad headlight people!!!

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Same wattage aren't they?


Oh probably.


But then to address the OPs question, he is going to run HIDs, which then should be putting out even more light. Probably about 3 times more lumens per light (assuming he is getting full voltage to them).

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  • 2 years later...

I was helping a friend fight a traffic ticket and I recognized one of the people there as this punk ass with a gaudy civic who runs 15k hids in stock housings. The single most annoying fucking car I've come across ever. The drive is also a 100% Grade A Douchecrust who likes to slap women around.


We went up, argued, read the exact law to the judge, won, and as we were leaving, Herpes How-ya-do got called up.


"Hey, lets hang for a minute."


Dipshit was in for, big surprise, his headlights. The judge knew him apparently from him coming in for running the wrong color blinkers. He's telling the judge that, since they sold the headlights in stores, he didn't realize they were illegal and that he's changed them back last weekend, see look at the camera phone picture.


The judge was reluctantly buying it when it dawned on me I'd seen this faprack's car early that morning and they were still purple and better yet, his car was parked right outside.


I stood up.


"You're honor, if I might inject."


"Didn't I just dismiss your case?"


"Actually my friend's sir. The defendant is lying to you sir."


Oh the room got cold... all except for the smoldering rage and disbelief coming from the assberry.


"I saw his car this morning and it still has the purple headlights. His car is parked outside by the meters if you want to see it for yourself."


Oooh, Icy Hot!


The judge, jackass, and a cop all went outside to see it. The judge came back, the cop and punkass didn't.


Perjury is a felony right?


Now normally I would have never thrown another man under the bus like that, but when you like slapping women around as a cure for your impotence, then I throw buses at you!

If i saw you I would gladly shake your hand!

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