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Adjusting valves on a L-20b motor

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Just thought i'd get some insight from other users on how they do their valve adjustments on the L20b because ive been reading up on it and it seems there are several different methods of doing it. the folowing is what iv'e read so far on different web pages and such.


1. the way it states in the factory service manual it to bring the no.1 cylinder to TDC and adjust some of the valves then bring the no. 4 cylinder to TDC and adjust the remaining.

2. i read where a guy says the he puts the cam lobes in the 10 and 2 o'clock position the adjusts the valves for that cylinder then goes to the next one and does the same.

3. another guy states that the cam lobes should be straight up in the 12 o'clock position. then sdjust them.


And on other old cars iv'e always brought every cylinder to TDC first. But they wer'nt overhead cam motors.


So i'm a little bit confused i did it the way the factory service manual said but didnt have much luck. I'm thinking it could be that i may have adjusted them a bit to tight but i'm not sure i warmed up the engine before i started but it took me a minute being i haven't adjusted valves on an overhead cam before. But i'm getting a little hesitation on the throtle and a little bit of a missing type result. which i didnt have before i started. and need them adjusted because one of the rockers fell off from i believe was from slop from not being adjusted before maybe ever. any comments or insight would greatly appreiciated.

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If your valves are adjusted too tight then said valves won't seat (close) all the way, leading to lousy compression and eventually burnt valves, compounding the problem, so too tight could be causing those cylinders to miss from lack of compression. I would point each lobe straight up so I'm always setting them in the exact same spot.

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long as the back side of the lobe is off the rocker then its good.

10 to 2 o cloclk should be fine but I just say 12 to make it MORON proff.



Me as a rule of thumb. i point lobe up and if I wiggle rocker then I know the valve is closing. If noisy then tighten it up. if hard to start or lossing power ck to see if too tight. Usually the exhaust will get tight as the valve seat sinks.




adjust your carb mixture and timming

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If your valves are adjusted too tight then said valves won't seat (close) all the way, leading to lousy compression and eventually burnt valves, compounding the problem, so too tight could be causing those cylinders to miss from lack of compression. I would point each lobe straight up so I'm always setting them in the exact same spot.



ok thanks for the info will readjust tomarrow. thanks again

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long as the back side of the lobe is off the rocker then its good.

10 to 2 o cloclk should be fine but I just say 12 to make it MORON proff.



Me as a rule of thumb. i point lobe up and if I wiggle rocker then I know the valve is closing. If noisy then tighten it up. if hard to start or lossing power ck to see if too tight. Usually the exhaust will get tight as the valve seat sinks.




adjust your carb mixture and timming

ok ya haven't done much with the carb except fix some vacume lines and try and get the idle down to 650 only got to 750 rpm adjusting the idle screw with the limiter on it but i'm sure the carb needs quite a bit of adjusting as well. probly gonna try and rebuild it if i can find a carb kit. but i will readjust with the lobes in the 12 o'clock position thanks for the advise it will help alot. also did adjust timing but with the idle at 750 so will do some more on that as well thanks again for the helpful info i apprieciate it alot.

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