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Why my Dad said FU to GM in 1976 and

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Cant all American car companies get back to what making a car really is all about? im setting my differences aside, i used to not like Ford and was (still am) a die hard Chevy guy. now almost all domestic companies are total shit, Dodge being the only exception. i wasn't lucky enough to live during the early years of Hot Rodding, nor was i alive when cruising in your car and letting the road take you wherever it leads was a past time, not a fad, But i almost feel as if car companies back then were more about serving the people first and making a car that they're is proud of. you can see through time that each car company had its own unique form of doing things, Chevy with its famous 350 and Ford with making the car affordable (you can only have one, Cheap and disposable, Expensive and fun). now all of it looks like you put it in a melting pot with 70% import and 30% American innovation. Seriously it seems like the ultimate goal for all car companies is to see which is more hip. Have you see the California edition Silverado!!??? CHROME everywhere to make up for CA stupid smog laws.

In the end i'll always know that no matter what car company goes down, my Datsun will be by my side waiting to serve me another 500,000 miles.

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More and more there are people on the road that have no business driving in the first place. It shows in the cars available to them. Cars commercials are dumb-ed down for them and they accept them as safer and drive with fearless abandon. "Hey, not to worry. She's got anti lock brakes and reactive tuned suspension traction control. With 330 hp I can avoid anything in the way and drive this puppy out of any problem and besides ... if something was to go wrong there are the air bags"

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More and more there are people on the road that have no business driving in the first place. It shows in the cars available to them. Cars commercials are dumb-ed down for them and they accept them as safer and drive with fearless abandon. "Hey, not to worry. She's got anti lock brakes and reactive tuned suspension traction control. With 330 hp I can avoid anything in the way and drive this puppy out of any problem and besides ... if something was to go wrong there are the air bags"


Yeah, and add the fact you feel as you have no control of the car..

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Thats messed up. So with this kind of thinking, if i decided to change my name legally, could ig et out of my car loan, because dan uphoff took out the loan on the 08 sentra se-r, but max power did not but assumed ownership of the car, not the loan...HMM! This is the kind of shit thats ruining our world.

part of the paper work to change your name is a clauss thats states you will resume "paying" al dept concured with you birth name . And max power has an exstensive criminal history, and your wife would have to go by tits laroo if you got it. ollz
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