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Ratsun Burners?

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Hey guys!


So its about that time of year for my yearly trek to the Black Rock desert for Burning Man and I was wondering if anyone else on Ratsun is going besides Kneesamo and ComradeGrr?


I'll be out 14 days this year (helping to run the BRCU theme camp) so if any of you guys are out there, my address will be 4:30 and A and you should be able to see my white 620 from the street if all goes as planned! Come by and have a few drinks!


Also, I'll be bringing Ratsun cards to give to anyone with a Datsun I see there lulz








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Fucking scalpers are going to raid the ticket sales the moment they open up.


I saw a PAIR of tickets go on eBay for $4000!!!!


They're putting measures on place next year so you can only buy a few tickets at one time. At least that'll slow scalpers down a little bit. Add that to what burners have done this year (artificially inflating ticket prices with fake eBay accounts to make people less inclined to buy tickets at higher than face value) and the problem probably wont be as widespread.

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People pay ??

Through the ass. It was cheaper for me to buy two round trip tickets to Maui for me and the girl than to go sit in the dirt with a bunch of hippie wanna's. Not a tough choice considering the pad I have access to on island.

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