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Looking for a 521, or a 520

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I'm 17 I drive my grampas 2002 long he'd chevy turbo diesel, an to be honest it's a smooth fun drive but sux to park an is eating a hole in my pocket with diesel prices these days,,, i've been lookin at 520's for quiet sum time now I wuld like All of ur input on how much they are an I would like to see what u guys r selling


I would like to not have to pay over 3500 preferably below that


- thanks


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I'm 17 I drive my grampas 2002 long he'd chevy turbo diesel, an to be honest it's a smooth fun drive but sux to park an is eating a hole in my pocket with diesel prices these days,,, i've been lookin at 520's for quiet sum time now I wuld like All of ur input on how much they are an I would like to see what u guys r selling


I would like to not have to pay over 3500 preferably below that


- thanks



Hi Jake~


I paid $500 for what you see below~ but better deals can be found if you're patient. With the coins you've got I'd say set aside $1000 for "just-in-case" stuff; tires, starter, batt, carb~ who knows what can go wrong! Sometimes I wonder if these cars/trucks know when they're being passed on~ and they break in defiance! But I digress....

$2500 will buy you a lot of truck- all but the wildest of customs or a true Concours D' Elegance piece; and the more patient you are, the less BS you'll have to fix when you get it home. As a long-time hotrodder I can tell you the best deals are those dreams that fizzled for the seller~ where you'll spend pennies on the dollar for all his mods. I encourage you to windowshop here, on Craigslist, & eBay to get a sense of going rates for your area. Be an informed buyer~ not an emotional one!





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Thank you all me n my dad r gunna look at the San Mateo one how much would u guys offer him?


Not $2500.

I have such a hard time seeing these high priced/unfinished/unkempt trucks.


If it was around the NW, I probably wouldn't even swing a grand at it.

Mods listed seem common enough.


That one in Sacramento for $1200 seems the same condition.

I'd ask $700-800 for that one. Sight unseen, of course.

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If it is as said, it's worth $2500, will get 28 to 30mpg and rebuilt engine you Californian's are spoiled.angry.gif



Maybe it's just the pictures, but at $2500-that truck will be for sale for a long time.

Very few 521's are ever worth that much.

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Take a look at that one in San Mateo.

If it's not pristine, walk.


That black one might be had for less that the $1200 asking price.

Be firm. Do your research.

Search for common things that need to be done to these.

If the truck has the same occurrences you find on others trucks, the price will only go lower.



Happy shopping.


You've been saying for too long that you need a Datsun.

Go get some!

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datsuns in california seem to go for more than in other states. dunno why. I've never seen one that runs for less than $1000. i always read on here about $300 deals. where are these deals?

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Actually I'm seeing a lot of Datsun/Nissan trucks that are newer, in the $1200 to $2000 price range. Personally I love my 521 but if you aren't that particular you can get a decent truck that is newer, easier to get parts for.


Just sayin....

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