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Fucking google and youtube

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Just spent 30 minutes going back and forth in different email accounts trying to get youtube updated because it was all pissy since I signed up for a gmail account last week. Decided to switch to gmail, which I like, from yahoo, as a primary account. So then I try and log into youtube and of course they need to be linked. Now that seems really stupid to me. I understand it from the back end, but from my end of security, I don't like having shit linked on big popular sites that can be hacked pretty easily by people with more skills than I.


So I finally get the damn thing setup, unlink one email, after multiple trys get it to accept another email. Then I realize if I'm logged into youtube and I try to open email, because it's a different email address on gmail, and NOT linked, it says I need to set up my google id. So then I log out in google and log back into email, and then guess what? It kicks me out of youtube! Fucking retardtastic!


Why can't they consolidate the accounts systems since the acquiring of youtube yet still allow access to either sight but from different accounts? Is that asking too much? I'm not an IT guy, but fuck me this shit is annoying!

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Yes, I am irritated. It was working fine since I already changed it from the old account. The problem was since I made a random account so I could get youtube fixed the first time, when I actually made a real account I'm using, now the system got all pissy when I tried to log back into youtube this morning. And then it kicked me out for multiple times before I figured out what was going on, EH! ;)

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Its because they now link youtube accounts to gmail, so you have one central login for all google-owned sites. As an IT guy this makes things nicer IMO.


I have come across some annoyances with the system, having personal and company gmail accounts. I cannot access my *domain*.gmail.com and gmail.com with separate logins in the same session. Have to link my personal, then hit switch account thingy. It can get confusing but its very easy once you know how to operate it. There is a lot of great documentation online, usually reading up a bit will rid you of most of your frustration.


Once you start messing around with multiple accounts in a single session most systems cannot handle it very well...


You can however open up your youtube account maybe in chrome, then have your other gmail account open in firefox. This will isolate the sessions and prevent some problems if you want both accounts open at once.

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In your case, you'll need to open the sites in two different browsers. I have my personal email in Chrome, and my professional email open in Firefox. Can't have both open in the same browser or it detects it and changes my login to the most recent opened account.

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In your case, you'll need to open the sites in two different browsers. I have my personal email in Chrome, and my professional email open in Firefox. Can't have both open in the same browser or it detects it and changes my login to the most recent opened account.


Wow, did you copy paste that from my post? laugh.gif


Nice to see other people have IT knowledge here.

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I'm glad there are IT people here too! I'm not that savvy anymore. Used to know a few things, can still navigate through DOS (not very well), but that doesn't have much application these days.

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Wow, did you copy paste that from my post? laugh.gif


Nice to see other people have IT knowledge here.


You know, I didn't even realize we said essentially the same thing until you pointed it out. :)


I guess you can say I single distilled your statements into a fine IT whiskey.

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