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http://www.dirtyjdm.com/ Its just a blog with oldschool cars on it, post a picture of your car or send me a pm if you want me to put your car on there.


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2nd : http://www.dirtyjdm.com/uncategorized/datsun/610-coupe/

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DOES Any body want there car on this website or are you guys just gona keep on spaming it with this nazi crap?

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The swastika is actually a symbol of many eastern religions including Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, as well as many native American tribes...... it can't hurt you, and you are actually giving the Nazi meaning more power, the owner probably would love your reaction

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I know that but most of those religions and native American symbols have the arms facing the other direction.


And I highly doubt a person with beliefs in hindu would still place that shit on the side of their car...


I'm from southern Arizona wher a native American tribe has that as their symbol bit it's all facing the other direction.

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I know that but most of those religions and native American symbols have the arms facing the other direction.


And I highly sought a person with beliefs in hindu would still place that shit on the side of their car...



I see the swastika's hanging from rear view mirrors on customers cars all the time, Indian customers, very common symbolism for Hinduism actually

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The swastika is actually a symbol of many eastern religions including Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, as well as many native American tribes...... it can't hurt you, and you are actually giving the Nazi meaning more power, the owner probably would love your reaction






also: Godwins law. google it.




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I Travel to Taiwan on occasion, and the swastika is used quite a bit over there. It's emblazoned as a neon sign on one of their hotels near Taipei. Doesn't have the same meaning in Asia as it does over here. So granted it IS on a German painted Luftwaffe car, but if the picture was taken in Asia (my guess is yes, given it's a Ceffiro) it won't have the same meaning to them as it does to us. I wish people would become educated on the fact that it's not just a Nazi symbol.

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I Travel to Taiwan on occasion, and the swastika is used quite a bit over there. It's emblazoned as a neon sign on one of their hotels near Taipei. Doesn't have the same meaning in Asia as it does over here. So granted it IS on a German painted Luftwaffe car, but if the picture was taken in Asia (my guess is yes, given it's a Ceffiro) it won't have the same meaning to them as it does to us. I wish people would become educated on the fact that it's not just a Nazi symbol.


It will be a long time before "the Western World" sees anything but hate when they see that symbol. Unfortunately for the symbol a lot of guys killed a lot of people wearing one of those on their uniform. When people who have been educated to see that as evil see it they will think its evil. They aren't uneducated they are familiar with the holocaust. It was a pretty nasty time perhaps you missed that part in your history education. Asia has yet to make it "famous" over here for good things. It may change some day but the slaughter of millions of unarmed men women and children is hard to forget. Sure it may mean other things to some people but those people for the most part aren't here. People who wear that symbol here in the USA do it to tick people off in general and if that wasn't their goal they should have the decency to not use because people are offended and that's just the way it is in the real world. Any way my to cents there take it or leave it

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FUCK THE NAZIS. And no, the owner of that car probably isn't exercising a Hindu symbol. I'm an 1/8th German Jew, and I see nothing but hate there. In the spirit of the Internets, I'm going to let it go and probably just won't visit the dirtyjdm site in the near future.


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