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LB110 2 door sedan rear quarter windows

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Hi Guys I'm after a really big favour

I'm from New Zealand (little country next door to australia for those who didn't know) and my friend has a left hand drive b110 1200 sedan here that she has restored. Which is very rare here (one of a couple at most in the country) All our RHD domestic models were sold as 4 doors so there is very little 2 doors sedans here in LHD or RHD.

Well after a lovers tiff her douche bag BF decided he'd get his own back by smashing out her two rear quarter windows!!!!???!

Anyway I wanted to surprise her by getting some more. So i'm after a pair of rear quarter windows. The cheaper the better, as I imagine shipping would be somewhat pricy to New Zealand.

If any one is wiiling to help out by supplying/locating and shipping them to me please PM me, I can pay via Paypal.

Thanks heaps



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Could you post up a pic of the car just to be sure? If morrisun doesn't have anything I might, but don't get up to where the spare car is very often :( . I have sent stuff to your side of the planet a time or two but haven't tried glass. Kinda co-own a car with a friend..long story.

So I said all that to say this...I'll try to help but it may take some time and not real sure if we will get results...but what the heck

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