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mods help my photobucket oops

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I dont know if I moved the whole folder of just screwed it up by renaming it but all my pics on my red beater thread and a couple from my blue 521 thread are now deleted or moved. I'm not worried about the blue 521 thread as its only 2 pics that I know what they are but my beater thread is screwed. IS there anyway to fix this? If not I'll be spending the next week figuring what pics go where.


I wish it would atleast tell me the link names after the misshap. Next time I buy ink i'm printing the darn things out.


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I log in quit often for craigslist and family photo stuff. the only thing I did was upgrade to pro about 2 months ago. I've not deleted any specific pics but I did rename some folders. I may have moved a few folders from sub folders to their own folders.


I dont see any info on the moved or deleted images to see what they were.

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Renaming might be easiest and fix most at once. All I did was look at your last post in that thread, found the pic in your PB account and compared the 2 links. That was the difference.


either rename your PB folder to "1971 datsun 521" or edit each photo. I think though that some photos will need to be fixed manually.

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Renaming might be easiest and fix most at once. All I did was look at your last post in that thread, found the pic in your PB account and compared the 2 links. That was the difference.


either rename your PB folder to "1971 datsun 521" or edit each photo. I think though that some photos will need to be fixed manually.


fixed!!!!!! damn son you got your thinkin cap on. thanks.

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If you do anything like moving pictures:lol:from folder to folder, photobucket warns you about losing data. If you click on edit, it will show you the old photo ID#, thats all I know. I moved some oics. to there own folders(put under there own name) the other day and found out the consequences, before you post the oics. put them in there permanent home, period.

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It doesnt warn you when you rename a album.


I liked the old photobucket better. sign/log out should never be under a drop down arrow on any site. And the pop up window to view all my albums sucks. The worst part is now when uploaded pics or videos fail it doesnt tell you the name of them after the upload to see what failed. It did before the make over. It tells you during the upload if it failed but not after every things done.

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I did the same thing (renaming a folder). I had to go into my thread about my 520 and edit the posts. Not too bad, you just have to copy and paste the new folder name before the picture name. It's just a whole bunch of pasting. Just look at the new link compared to the old one and cut what's different and paste, paste, paste. But if anyone has "quoted" your pictures they wont show unless that person also edits their posts.



For example:


In my main folder the image link would look like this:

[MG]http:// i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj248/jbjording/thisisthefilenameforeachpicture.jpg[/img]


moving it to my folder "1966 Datsun L520" causes it to change to:


[MG]http:// i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj248/jbjording/1966%20Datsun%20L520/thisisthefilenameforeachpicture.jpg[/img]


You'd have to paste the bold part into each img link. And be careful with those backslashes.

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