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1974 710

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What are you talking about man. It's a 6 hours from were I live to Antioch ca. I only have 300$ in my bank account and I know Bonvo is broke too. I can make that car run in 3 days!!!!! I know Bonvo can too!!!


If I had cash, I would go over there and drive it home that same day. How hard is it to take a built engine and put it in? 3 hours???? Rusty fuel tank? Nothing that a 5 gallon gas tank cant fix. Bad tires? I can get new ones anywhere. Windows not on? Some window glue will hold them in. What about permits? I can ask the DMV for a one day pass and 8 hours later I am at home.


I got to say that money is nice to have..... But I could do it with only 100$... The only reason I wont do it is that I would need a place to store it since my parents would kill me if I brought home another car.

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Just seems ridiculous to me that someone is throwing up the "FREE" sign, and nobody's jumping on it. I'm not even into these 710's and I'd take a trip down there to snag it up. There's enough of you guys down there, put your heads together or something. It's strange to me that nobody's already bagged this thing up.. wild.

And if you're broke, you should borrow some money to get it to where you're at, fix it up, flip it, and then you'd have money. If nothing else, it's an investment, doesn't have to be another hobby. I guess that's just me thinkin out loud, though..

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Nah man, I cant do that. Its not in me. If I build something, I pour my soul into it. I just cant flip it.


If it was locally like were Bonvo lived, I would of snagged it up already. He has space I think. They took his old baby away. Plus he could use some of its parts on his new 610 like the alt and electrical stuff... Common Bonvo!


O well... If you get it good luck and such. We do have an abundant amount of Datsuns.... BUT AT A HIGH PRICE!!!! This is probably a once every 5 years type of thing. Another offer will come along.

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:frantics: :frantics: :frantics: :crying:

i need to see if i can pull some cash together, even tho its free, it would cost me alot in gas to drive down and towe that thing up here, sence mt big truck gets like 8 miles to the gallon. im really trying to work this out.

hell im about to look up a storge place near you and see if i can pay some one to lock it up for me till i have time to get down there

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look the reason i put it up for free i ran it on craigslist for 4 waeks i had 1 call from somone that wanted to by a fender and im not gowing to part it out. i know its not perfect but somone with time and some money this can be a nice ride! I was gowing to build it as a dailey driver but had to go a diferent rought.I just want it to go to someone who will take the time to complete this car .no i can not have aney one camp at my house to get it running if i had a weak and some money i to could get it running!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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she would need to put the money forward to fix it or her parents would i could run it past them but they have the view of "old cars are junk" so that would be difficult but im sure if i tell them that she can have a car for $200 they may go for it

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