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Think I have decided how to paint the ole datsun


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I know I said I would not mod the truck but right now I am thinking of painting it in the Flying Tigers P-40 Warhawk scheme. I have always wanted a p-40 so I fiqure I can paint the little datsun in this scheme what you all think?









I am sure it wont be too hard to paint it this way but you never know your thoughts?

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As cool as fisch's art work is I think that particular scheme/theme is SUPER played out.

Another noob member even started a thread a week ago about the exact same theme on a 620.

Edited by 72240z
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Really odd paint job on that P40! It has the AVF [American Volunteeer Forces AKA Flying Tiger ] Chinese paint job BUT the original AVF P40s had no red tongue! That was added by the RAF who flew the P40 in North Africa. Added "caution", OK to use the Flying Tiger wing [one of three] body emblem, but I would not use the Hells Angel body emblem. A certain Motorcycle club founded by an ex Flying Tiger might respond in an inappropriate fashon.

Edited by MikeRL411
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The Flying Tigers had three squadrons Adam and Eve,Hells Angles, and Panda bears. My grandfather was In The Adam and Eve squadron. IMO The paint scheme looks good if done properly on certain vehicles. I system to to it.

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