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Everything posted by Will

  1. Will

    610s unite!!!!!!

    Hi Bryan - I thought it was a movie rental machine! http://www.nationwidepicturecars.com/vehicle.php?da854775
  2. Will

    710's unite!!!!!!!!

    I'm pretty sure everything is the same, as long as you're not getting parts of of a weird 710 with IRS.
  3. I'm thinking about selling the 710 - let me know if you're in the San Francisco area and are interested in this car. ...no rush - I'm not trying to pay for a kidney or anything. I'll still be working on and doing some small improvements in the meantime.
  4. May as well throw on some disc brakes on the rear while you have it all apart!
  5. 710? I might need to make a road trip!
  6. Also, a Datsun 710 in Moscow? (it'll be nice to have a new person on this website who isn't posting Lada Rivas as Datsun 510s in the sightings thread.)
  7. The struts came from here, though I'm not sure if they would ship to Moscow! https://technotoytuning.com/nissan/510/front-coilover-conversion-datsun-510-280zx-strut-casings
  8. unfortunately, no. ...though it was nice to see when I walked out the door!
  9. Saw this parked directly in front of my place:
  10. This just popped up at the San Jose pnp yard - it has the later square-headlight front end, but it probably has some stuff that you could use: http://row52.com/Vehicle/Index/WHLA10110729
  11. Will

    710's unite!!!!!!!!

    Taking care of that northeastern rust? Are you going to keep it white?
  12. Same here - the whole top of the rear seat had disintegrated from the sun, but the rest of the seat wasn't all that bad - it just kept on separating into its component pieces whenever someone sat in the back seat. I guess it made it easier to take apart for patterns!
  13. ...picked up the back seat today, and dropped off one of the front seats:
  14. They're here for three weeks, so it was a bit of a rush to find the fabric in time. Luckily there was something at JoAnn's fabric that I think passes for a 1970's car interior fabric pretty well - I wanted something like a plaid pattern, that didn't look like it was stolen from Grandma's sofa.. ...this weekend I'm dropping off a front seat - I'm pretty psyched to have front and back seats that match and aren't bursting at the seams! I'm going to try and work on the front seat rails while they're out, so that they will have a bit more travel. They're too close to the transmission tunnel at the moment. I wonder how much change I'll find under my seats!
  15. Some of my girlfriend's relatives from overseas are visiting, and her uncle, a tailor, needed a project to keep himself busy and wanted to reupholster my car seats. Now I'll need to paint my car green to match!
  16. It's possible to swap over the disc brakes from a 200SX that also uses a H165 rear axle, though it takes some work.
  17. ...my brother's getting married on Saturday, so I can't make it to Canby, and I still haven't had a chance to get the new struts bolted in... but at least I had a chance to attach the front bumper that came over from New Zealand.
  18. Shipping would be pretty steep on those parts since the exhaust manifold is a heavy bit of iron - you would probably be able to find those at the Canby show in Oregon, if you're up for a Datsun road trip this weekend!
  19. Will

    710's unite!!!!!!!!

    Maybe you can find a 710 that was manufactured in 1973, but 1974 was the first model year for 710s in the USA.
  20. Spotted this 610 in Alameda last weekend:
  21. I think the last 510 that popped up at Pick-n-Pull disappeared whole before it could get parted out. ...waiting for a report from someone that can take a day off on Thursday...
  22. Got some new bolts and a tap in the mail from Techno Toy - there was quite a bit of paint in the threads, but the struts seem to be ready to go!
  23. An envelope arrived today from Techno Toy tuning with a tap and some new bolts - I was worried since their return policy on the website sounds so strict, but they seemed pretty reasonable when I was communicating with them, and offered to exchange the strut if the threads don't clean up - hopefully this will get the strut up and running!
  24. The strut arrived with screwed-up threads. I don't know of a place nearby that is selling metric taps on Memorial Day weekend.
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