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Everything posted by Rustbucket

  1. Diesel oil, or diesel itself? Onto the clear, or with no clear and bare metal? the510keeper's coupe appears to be holding up pretty well with clear over bare metal. I keep meaning to ask him about the method to clearing over bare metal. This body is about as useful as a bullet in my head, anyways. I've mentioned it before, but eventually everything is gonna get swapped over to a race car prepped California shell. (Once again for street use only, haha!)
  2. All of my valuables are stored inside, courtesy of a spare bedroom, haha! Here's a couple shots of it outside for good measure.
  3. So, big things have happened in the past week. Almost moved out of the shop entirely, just have a motor sitting there and a couple odds and ends. Most importantly, my shit heap is finally a shit heap in the comfort of my own home! It's not a huge garage, but once I get all the shelving and garbage out of there it should do the trick perfectly! It'll be totally empty, safe for my cabinet and the car. I bought a shelter for out back of my garage to house my motor set while it's out of the car, my bottles, welder, and anything that'll take up floor space in the garage itself.
  4. Won't Z-Brakes mean no 15's? :( She's coming along dandy, though!
  5. I support taking it back down to the aluminum. Looks fancy pants that way!
  6. Those tow hooks were on the car when I got it - thee way they were I kind of just figured they were factory. This car has had far too many panels replaced in it's history. Hence the desire for a Canadian California shell, haha! This is why I decided not to paint the car, and just clear over the bare metal, because of it's worthlessness. I'm thankful I got to learn on a shell that wasn't worth keeping, though. I know precisely what I want to do when the time comes to reshell this thing, and after that it will most definitely be a car worth keeping for life.
  7. Can't even begin to explain how happy I am with this wing. So totally awesome and radical. Large wing is large!
  8. Right? That's exactly my thinking! Need a small job done? No problem, I'll just step two feet in to my garage and bang it out in an hour without having to make an entire evening of a trip to the shop. Realistically, having a space as large as I did was definitely helpful to get me to the point I'm at. But, anything that's left is definitely manageable in the space I have available at home.
  9. Hasn't been much work on the car as of late, because I just can't get motivated to drive an hour round trip just to work on the girl for a couple hours. Decided to bring her on home, and finish it up in the comfort of my own garage. It will be nice to be able to bang out small jobs each night without having to worry about driving anywhere. It's just my old man and I that live at home, so I took over one of the spare bedrooms for storage of car parts. This was the first load that came back from the shop this evening. Probably about half of what I have there, including my welder, torches, bottles, and tool cabinet. Everything should be at home for the end of next week! Really excited about this change up; Also bought a small shelter for out back of the garage to house my welder, torches, motor stand, and any other large commodities that take up a substantial amount of space when they're not in use. This way I can just roll them in to the garage when I need them, and they're out of the way.
  10. I like watching it change shape each week regardless of being a functioning car or not. I like that you took a risk with it, whether or not is has paid off is entirely up to you, we're simply here to watch the progression. Kudos to you, Indy.
  11. Yeah, I had a bunch of people offer to buy it, but it was only worth maybe $1000 in it's current state, but I've got about $3000 worth of stuff to part out from it. It's a 4-cyl that burns copious amounts of oil, and has 300K on it. Worthless by all standards.
  12. That's enough of that turd for now, though. Datsun related posts will resume shortly now that this week is almost over!
  13. Buyer flaked after I'd already put money down on the car. Took it as a lesson learned, don't count your eggs before they hatch. I'm only out a little bit of money after I part it out, but I'll be nice and cozy in the new daily. Plus driving that thing to work this morning looking like that was well worth it! As far as the look of the truck; we decided to give it a vented aero package and some branding. The vented bed whistles the melody from Angel Of Death if I hit limiter just right.
  14. Since we're on the topic of this hunk of shit, might as well show ya how I decided to see her off! Going to try jumping some train tracks tomorrow before parking her and parting it out before scrap.
  15. Well, I can honestly say I never thought I'd see these sort of developments any time soon. Really happy to see you working on this thing, JP!
  16. Thanks! It's leaving me this Friday. I honestly never thought I'd get rid of the thing, but having a brand new daily is going to be the best thing ever. Way more focus on the Z now. :) For 80whp and a welded diff, it certainly did monstrous burnouts.
  17. Haha, fancy seeing you here! Inspiration is plentiful on these boards - tons of knowledge too, as I'm sure you've already noticed.
  18. Don't get me wrong, 195's are also skinny tires. But, you've gotta work with what you've got, haha. Those wheels ain't gonna fit with a 205 on 'em!
  19. I'm very used to having little space, and this is actually a huge upgrade in space compared to a standard cab S10. This thing doesn't have back seats, so there's a fair bit of room in the back to throw anything that I might need. Thing's 6-speed, black on black leather interior, fully loaded - I've never had any creature comforts in a car before, so this is all too exciting for me. It should be amazing! :)
  20. Kind of a crazy week just passed. I got an offer on my truck that I couldn't refuse, and took that as a sign to treat myself real well. Decided to hit the ground runnin' and signed for a 2012 CRZ on Saturday morning. Hopefully sorting everything out this week so that I'll take the girl home this coming Friday. To say I'm excited would be a serious understatement!
  21. 195's, definitely. Skinny tires are for the weenies. I'd even go as far as to say run square tires, but I don't think those offsets will allow such a thing with your ride height.
  22. I'll be honest - really not familiar with these motors, or the work you're doing with the distributor. I do admire your ambition, however. I always really like reading through builds where you can tell someone is really passionate about something, and is having fun.
  23. Well, this is getting awfully exciting! :)
  24. Right? I'm glad you're in to it, dude. I like it because it's almost cliche, and something you might expect from a trendy-ish, hacked together car, but the minute you look a little deeper in to the car you'd (hopefully ;)) realize that it's anything but that!
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