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Everything posted by motavated

  1. Well I went to the yard and got a new fuse holder from a 1978 truck. Cleaned the copper with lemon and then sand it down. Spliced the new harness in and fuse holder and well it seems like it stopped overheating the fuse box. So I had it running for like 15 minutes with all the lights on and no overheating. I guess this solved one of my problems. I still need to find out what is shocking me!!! Its now safer to drive... I guess. :lol:
  2. In an old post. You showed some pics of some loose wires. You found out that one of them was for the water squirter for the front windshield. And you also pic'd a small "female" I think connector. That one small connector is a negative wire and connects in the negative battery terminal. Maybe thats why you electronic system is acting all funny. I have a 1974 too...
  3. Yeah I was looking into it and it costs around 300 buxs. I could use that for something else. But for a last resort, I guess I will have too...
  4. sent a note to datzenmike but I'll post it here if anyone can send me some advice. Its going to be a long.... LONG STORY! Please help! Mkay. I took my car to the electrician and well he fixed the horn relay and checked for any shorts. He then let me go. While I was driving her the other day at night. The headlight fuse "top left" was getting really hot! Weird! And the fuse wont pop! It feels like its going to melt the fuse box. Only get hot when the lights are on. Then there is this other fuse "bottom left" that I think powers the turn signals and the temp/gas reader. When I disconnect that fuse the car seems to run much better! And when I install the fuse back. It seems to lose power. It also I think causes to shock me when I touch metal. How can I fix that hot head light fuse? I heard from a electrician that its not getting enough power and maybe the ends might be burnt. That is what is causing it to get hot. And that the electrican wants to run direct power, a wire from the batt to the fuse to stop it from getting hot. And the Bottom left fuse that powers the turn signals and gas and temp readers. That one is all messed up. I got to figure that one out. What advice can you give me? Thanks! I figure that I should do a headlight rewire with bosch relays to fix that hot fuse. But if there is a simpler solution, please speak up.... I'm still a noob....
  5. motavated


    Ha! I remember that... Sorry that I could not go last time...
  6. That would be pretty funny! But its more of like a 9 volt Jolt that you feel when you place a small batt in your tongue. I dont know what is wrong... But everything!
  7. Yeah man. Something is messed up in both of our trucks. Pull of all the fuses and turn on the truck. Does the engine sound better?
  8. Found out while driving it that the turn signals have a short some were. Its charging the ground? I can touch metal and it shocks me. I took of that fuse for the turn signals and the truck was reving higher like if it was advanced or something. My guess is that since the ground was charged. It was not getting enough power to the spark plug? So when I took of that fuse it drives 50X better!. I guess I have to take it back to the electrician again...
  9. Dang that looks clean! How exactly did you de-arch the rear springs? And how much was the drop in price and inch drop. Thanks!!! Ummm what is your trucks color code?
  10. Just covert it to diesel and no more check ups! :lol:
  11. Ebay has them. I have been looking for the horn on the internet recently but I could not find one. Ebay is your only bet. They were lots of different sellers with diffrent styles when the movie came out. But now there are only two types. To save some cash I will just try to find a "gel" type sticker and keep my stock horn button and just replace stickers. But I cant find them!!! The bee-otch air freshner is on ebay for 10 buxs!!!! You can get them of some internet webpage for 3 buxs... Just keep looking man!!!
  12. Yeah man!!!! Thanks!!!!! Running good but still needs some brake/suspension/and clutch work. Just got a new steering wheel for my truck and I have planned on buying the autobot horn button and the Bee-otch air freshner. I plan on painting some black rally stripes. That way I can drive it being trashy... Plus its going to look tight just cus its going to be looking like Bumblebee from transformers... TIGHT!!! huck hiuck hick!!!
  13. But what about that metal box? It came off from there.... I guess I will have to install it that way since I dont know how that metal box is installed.
  14. After a while I have done a few things to my truck. Installed 620 tach, kenwood "shaft" tape player, and some 6.5 infinity speakers. Still not perfect since odo plastic frame broke. So today I sent it to the electric shop and the only thing wrong that the electrican could see was a busted horn relay and a bad battery. 50 bucks later a new battery and a new relay I was hauling ass down the 710. 100MPH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went to long beach and back a couple of times just cus. Then I decided to go to the junk yard and a found a perfect odo plastic frame that I will install later. So yeah. Moving and my camera broke when I was recording my 100mph... So I'll update more once I move and have more time and cash.
  15. I took of my 1974 620 headlight switch off and I dont know how to put it back! It has like this metal box, headlight switch, the screw, and a plastic spacer. How does it go together? I'm a missing something? Thanks!
  16. Why wont you buy a piece of gasket paper at the local auto parts store and make one? A small piece will cost you like 2$. Or just buy a Carb rebuild kit since they have it inside. Like 20$ a kit... Or go to a carb rebuild place. They might give you or get you one.
  17. 11 minutes in the movie "friday" it shows a white 620 behind this maverick.
  18. Those in chrome would look sick! They remind me of the IROC wheels.... NICE!!
  19. http://www.imcdb.org/vehicle_59769-Datsun-Bluebird-510-1966.html
  20. I just saw a 710 2 door getting its engine rebuilt in the city of Bellflower by Rosecrans and Bellflower. I think the shop owns it since I pulled over to ask if they were selling it. At first he was "Yis its mine..." Then I told him, Is it for sale? Then he got upset and said...."Wha du yu want?" "Car is coustumer!" All right I said! I got in my car took out a Clymers original 710 manual and handed it to him. I said "Give it to the owner of the car."... His eyes opened up as he held the book in his hand and raised it up towards the sky, his small eyes were almost sparkling with delight. Then he started to yell to his boss in chinese to come out. The boss ran out and the were talking/yelling in chinese for a good while.... I was like WTF? And I ran away... But they seemed pretty happy I guess with all that chinese yelling of joy going around that shop this day.... Ho Ho HO!!!! :D
  21. Bonvo, I think his car is coupe not a hatch? But the question I have is will the rear tail lights interchange between these two different styles.
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