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erichwaslike last won the day on July 29 2011

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About erichwaslike

  • Birthday 02/22/1987

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  • Gender
  • Location
    la habra
  • Cars
    67 rl411, 66 pl411 racecar, 67 pl411 rat, 67 wrl411,70 521,71 521,84 720, 86 suzuki sami
  • Interests
    cars, music, LEGOS!!!!, offroading
  • Occupation
    tood designer and engineer

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  1. once i get home and get my car in the shop..and find out what hoses if any need to be replaced ill be sure to hit you up dude..i appreciate the helping hand when neededi actually live in calimesa about ten min drive from SB..prob 25 from RC

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