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  • Location
    Portland, OR
  • Cars
    '72 510 2 Door '79 280ZX

bradicuss's Achievements


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  1. Not many left in this condition: https://portland.craigslist.org/yam/cto/d/hillsboro-1971-datsun-510/7703610889.html
  2. Nice truck. Someone needs this: https://seattle.craigslist.org/kit/cto/d/bainbridge-island-1980-datsun-obo/7588569903.html
  3. Depending on what the upholstery shop charges for mods, this might be a time/cost effective solution. From Australia so there's some shipping involved but I really liked the molded feature with the built in heel pad. https://www.ebay.com/itm/112410920454
  4. I have one of these ZT-101's aftermarket delays from the '80's in my 510 and it works well. Still available from time to time on ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/225173123154?hash=item346d5d3052:g:nVAAAOSwoRJjK7k7&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoN5QePlrY35n%2BXs9isoP6%2FkZIup%2BXDNaZnEJBhZcwG77X34FZnPQazxLI6JHeF%2F0PrYBP2LSPnq4fkL6osNc%2BhVQ8%2FEAULE5K8vvcEXMw1oaigUiPgOMhwiC2GJ4PCwViitHRny6hGrDv4hgPiltJqmXnkHsFTlUwDoXYzE3VM5FJtXxgi9rJCTjRhUtEtxDE0ijk9XHZMGUaOp59B%2BQddw%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6Cj5K6wYQ
  5. This car has been for sale on Craigslist for at least a year. Located near Portland. https://portland.craigslist.org/clc/ctd/7574281083.html
  6. Datsun Fire Truck: https://seattle.craigslist.org/est/cto/7573144381.html From Japan....pretty cool. Located in WA.
  7. They only seem to have a presence on Instagram...odd?
  8. Anyone know where to source replacement nylon washers for Datsun regulators?
  9. Would adding $5 to the gate cover the additional costs? No one would mind paying a bit more to support the community.....can't even get a gallon of gas for that these days.
  10. 0.1" of Oregon rain on Saturday?...It'll be nice half the time with a few drops here and there if the forecast holds out. Only concern is mud from Friday's rain. Should be fine.
  11. Zcar depot has an oval rubber one that's pretty nice: https://zcardepot.com/products/shift-boot-seal-rubber-510?_pos=1&_sid=3ab1161a3&_ss=r#
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