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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Wait, your batterys not taking a charge? Is that what you're saying? What kind of battery do you have? How old is it?
  2. The rotors been replaced. The reason it's so flat is because I landed on it. Not sure what caused this twice, but I've lock-tited it.
  3. Update. $30 and it's back on the road! I haven't test driven it yet since the new rotor went on, but I'm sure it's gonna be fine. I'll drive it around the block and come home and re-torque it. Oics Here's where it dropped. I was pulling into the right turn lane when it went. I found all the lugs at the last intersection. When I turned, I must have lost them all, because they were all a few hundred feet behind me. Meaning, I drove a few hundred feet with no lugs
  4. whats the back story? nevermind... I'll go make an account.
  5. I'd like to tell you that you aren't missing much, but that would be a terrible lie.
  6. Just had the studs replaced last time... I had the wheel off the other day because I felt a slight vibration and wobble. First step was making sure the lugs were tight , which they were. Second I felt around the suspension and steering and EVERYTHING was perfect. So I figured it must have been a tire out of balance. Shitty thing was, I just got paid and was going tomorrow morning Step 1, replace the rotor, pads, bearing, and bearing cap. Does Napa carry ZX lugs? :rofl: Steve G might after last night :rofl: Seriously though, I don't know of anyone who would. I guess it's always possible someone's fucking with me. my car is under video surveillance whenever it's home so believe me, I'll be checking.
  7. Video bumpppppp :rofl: This one has a LONGGGG story. I drive a cursed Datsun. Oh... and it's sideways
  8. Screw omelets, I'm making a fucking pizza!

    1. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      now i have "fun things to fuck" stuck in my head

    2. nismo dr
    3. Dirk Diggler

      Dirk Diggler

      damn crybaby.


      bagels: the food you can fuck

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWS-FoXbjVI
  10. I like my HTC inspire Android FTW!
  11. People like what? ME? A hard working citizen trying not to get screwed by a multi million dollar company trying to save themselves a few bucks by re-stocking their employees? I worked hard, payed my dues and fought for my job. You expect me to lay down and play pussy? I'm not gonna go pretend like they didn't do anything wrong. If you ask me, people like YOU are the downfall of society. You act as if the right thing to do here is to pretend like nothing happened and move on. In that case, why don't we turn our heads to child molesters and scammers. Seriously, a law is a law. I don't let someone take advantage of me.
  12. Seriously dude. Just stop while you're behind. shhhhhhhhhhhhh I just drank the last drop. Off for a drink run.... ollz
  13. Bro, so far you've complained more then me. I have another job and make a hell of a lot more then I ever did there. I have plenty of money for my car. I got laid off. If I wanted free money, I'd file for unemployment. That simple. I'm not looking for handouts. Kroger laid me off, and hired someone to fill my position. That's breaking a federal law. You must not have many friends do ya mate? I mean, do you criticize EVERYONE who seeks an opinion? Glad I'm not you. Quit dragging this shit on. This is Ratsun, not Dr.Phil.com
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