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  • Cars
    1977 Datsun 620
  • Interests
    Cars, guitars and bars.

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  1. Yes, to your question, as long as it is in plain sight. I walked around for an entire week wearing my wakizashi, just to verify that the law was valid. Asked a couple of times by officers why I was sporting a blade to which I answered it was a dangerous area. And I am provided the right to do so by law. A comment of use with consideration was received and they moved on. BTW, pro open carry, I'll gladly be the initial target in a situation that endangers anyone. And be willing to use it if the situation arose and I felt it necessary.
  2. Interesting, there was a guy nearby me in Fremont that was going to do them eh? Was just thinking about making one for my own truck. If anyone might still be interested in getting one lmk, would help offset the cost of materials for the mold.
  3. That is pretty dope man. Like the 20's, look good stuffed in the wells. Cool.
  4. Replaced the head gasket, cleaned up some wiring and lowered the front a bit.
  5. Pretty cool read, nice truck.
  6. Interestingly enough, the search function works in mobile.
  7. Well, don't feel comfortable with it, but I'll put it together and see what happens. Thanks fellas.
  8. Hmm, at the bottom of the head in the photo aren't supposed to flow? Top appears to be oil galleys, how is the head supposed to cool and what would the reason be for having matched waterways between the head and block if they're blocked by the gasket?
  9. If anyone could even show a photo of the head gasket with the waterways that are clear that would be awesome. Cross referenced years and searching the net is coming up with nothing but the same gasket. And it's making zero sense as there has to be a way for water to exchange through the head, and it's seeming like this may have been some of the problem.
  10. So, not seeing the button that the site tutorial says will allow me to share images. But the first link I posted is of the head, waterways at the bottom. Second I'm posting now is of the gasket in place, covering the waterways. https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/18891614_10155426470552028_1967533611379561743_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=0f7ffd5d4d51f1d0d2b2fbd2a10d6899&oe=59B77531
  11. Well that's not it, lol.
  12. https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/18815301_10155426470042028_6532366969391282372_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=914f01f399ea46ad3cdfa3f209fedcb5&oe=59B79E6F
  13. All waterways, save one tiny hole in one. Will take a minute to figure out how to post pictures.
  14. I recently bought a 620 from a fellow, with a carbureted z24 (don't have the foggiest why the l20 got ditched) and the head gasket blew shortly after (exhaust in water and vice versa). After pulling the head, see that it blew between 3 and 4 (crack in gasket rings). But after looking at the gasket that came off and the new one, all of the waterways are blocked by the gasket between the head and block. Is this supposed to be so to improve cooling in some way or is there something amiss? Thanks in advance.
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