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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. if it was in his name the government would take it. like i said you dont know shit about us.
  2. You know nothing about me and kelly. The truck is in my name but it's his truck. I work for my money. You got yourself into this mess, nobody else. and you may want to after this.
  3. hindsight is 20/20 hopefully nobody else will make our mistake with help of this thread.
  4. he even said he's trade us parts, over a week ago and still hasnt sent the headlights. also hasnt let us know what other parts he'd be willing to give us instead of the cash. He will not work with us at all. If we asked he'd flip out and say he's not going to pay, maybe sasquatch will come steal the engine out of it next so he'll owe us even less.
  5. You never sent a message like hey guys i need more time some shits going on isthat ok...it was always i cant pay you yet but i will later. thats not a trustworthy way to go about that. nothing you have done or said implies you ever intened on paying. its really that simple.
  6. excuses excuses your the one that did something wrong here dude theres no way around it
  7. I just think its sad that we live in a society where doing something nice for someone is veiwed as being the wrong thing to do in this situation. Thats really sad :crying: That there is people who would take advantage of nice people and act like this.
  8. we've told you, he works nights, the lights were fine its just a fuse or something simple
  9. If theres any problems with title tranfer i'll help out by letting the oregon dmv know it really is ok.
  10. this is just an excuse to not pay us. The truck is legally mine, it's in my name not his. You really owe me, not him. Saying shit like this only makes you look like more of an ass about all this. Proving our point even more that you have no intention of paying us.
  11. truck is still in my name but he has the title. I think the whole towing thing was another excuse to not pay us he never lost it.
  12. If you dont have money, dont drive a couple hundred miles with gas money you dont have to pay for a truck you cant afford. YOu put the truck for sale to make yourself and your self alone happy. Its all there. You did say that you werent going to give us anything at one point. and again just a min. ago your not fooling anyone at this point.
  13. it wasnt every other day it was every few weeks. You NEVER offered the information. We had to ask you everytime and you acted like we were harassing you. We agreed on a month. You never asked if we could extend the time. You told us you werent doing it. Not the same at all.
  14. I have a bunch from when i lived in New Mexico and a couple from washinton a few others. Doesnt really matter how old, those oregon ones arent made anymore so i really wanted them...good garage decorations
  15. Kelly is a really good caring person. He'd give the shirt off his own back to help someone. He would NEVER do this sort of thing to someone. A man is only as good as his word and Kelly is great. He didnt think this would happen because he would never think of doing this to someone else. Thats all i have to add...for now
  16. yea those ad always got my attention. that guy is funny as hell.
  17. JDM510 • • Mad JDM Obnoxious YO!!1! • • • • Group: Senior Member • Posts: 1,032 • Joined: 15-May 08 • Location:San Diego • Cars:1971 Datsun 510 2dr Sent 05 May 2010 - 11:29 AM dude im no where near having the cash plus i need the plates untilli put the truck in my name so i can drive it around and plus its parked in the street..... i really wana jsut sell it so if you know anyone is socal looking for a 620 send them my way... ill take 1200 the way it sits I Drive My Datsun Everyday!!! How About You??? • Report • Reply skunk • • Senior Member • • Group: Senior Member • Posts: 817 • Joined: 02-October 09 • Location:Eugene Or • Cars:1972 Datsun 510 4door, 1977 Datsun 620 KC Sent 05 May 2010 - 01:27 PM No where near? so what are we talking here? how long do i have to wait for $300? Im not just going to sit here for the next......who knows how long with out being payed, something.I really dont want to have to make somthing of this man, I ant got time for this shit in my life right now.Im not trying to be a dick im just really stressed out.Im trying to do things the more civil way. But you got to work with me. Start makeing payments or somthing so i know you going to pay me. Im being more then nice about this and i really dont want to take this to jessis lawyer. Maybe we can do more parts or somthing i just need this dealt with. "they're coming to get you Barbara" • Report • Reply • Edit • Delete JDM510 • • Mad JDM Obnoxious YO!!1! • • • • Group: Senior Member • Posts: 1,032 • Joined: 15-May 08 • Location:San Diego • Cars:1971 Datsun 510 2dr Sent 06 May 2010 - 02:40 AM hahahhahahha i was just joking man....but yeah whatveer parts i can get you off money and the cash its going to get going here and some payments droped to that account cuz yeah i need this shit payed off and on the road im ready to drive this bitch I Drive My Datsun Everyday!!! How About You??? this was after you agreed to send the headlights. We have plenty of witness to this conversation and agreement. JDM510 • • Mad JDM Obnoxious YO!!1! • • • • Group: Senior Member • Posts: 1,032 • Joined: 15-May 08 • Location:San Diego • Cars:1971 Datsun 510 2dr Sent 16 May 2010 - 02:11 AM found the truck its in a tow yard i need to pay to register the truck befor i can get it out and show insurance $$$$ soo yeah dude dont trip a deal is a deal i will pay for the truck eaither way.... and i belive that paper you turned in fucked me.. cuz the sheriff ran the plates it said pending... so after it sitting in the same spot for a month it was towable How are you selling the truck if it's still in a tow yard? It's still registered in Oregon according to your ad so how is that possible? I really want it out of my name already.
  18. I Like this beer and i've never even tried it :lol:
  19. :lol: I've been putting in rental applications all day im delayed
  20. this is what made me like beer.
  21. Theres a place here in Eugene, The Eugene City Brewery...it's all rogue and they have those sales there too. I wont have to go to far to hit up some of them. I was in Newport once when that happened but i didnt like beer then. I did enjoy my sample of their Irish Lager though.
  22. " If you drink too much of Delirium Tremens you can get very ill: Delirium Tremens is also the name of a disease for people who are addicted to alcohol. " :lol:
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