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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. That is usually my thought as well. I just figured I would replace the leaky component. Everything but the service items (service valves, dessicant tank, expansion valve, orings) is original and running awesome, its starting to get hot here and it cools awesome. But there is a catch, It engine temp starts to get a little warm when sitting. It is not too bad yet, but it will get worse as it gets really hot here. This is surely happening because I have no fan shroud and I am running the air conditioning. I am not thinking I dont need it, I know damn well I need it haha. The shroud does not fit after I got a new radiator though, so I am going to convert to electric fans. I am trying to figure out a dual fan setup, I think that will be the best route. One will run when the engine gets hot, one will run when the AC is turned on. I want to do it with temp switches so I dont have to have any switches on the interior for fans.
  2. I wanted to find out if it needed it before I used it. The less additives, the better. System is working GREAT! so far, and no sign of leaks yet. I also figured if anything leaks it will be the compressor and at 30 years old I would just replace it. Now I am waiting for it to get hot here.
  3. Guy with the EK32s flaked out. I cant find any good wheels for a reasonable price lately.
  4. Might get Enkei EK32s this weekend More to come.
  5. Today I took her out to dinner and snapped this in the parking lot.
  6. But yesterday I got this bad boy installed!! Finally no more old 80's steering wheel!! Why are all good steering wheels made in Italy?
  7. New reciever/dryer or "desicant tank" if you will. And high side retrofit end, I hat to hack the bottom hex nut part off of this retrofit end to make it seat properly. two days later, shes still cold.
  8. The AC is now working and I will be riding in style, cold. This system is huge for such a small car, 2.4 lb (%85 of that with the R134) I flushed all the lines and the condensor, and cleaned all the ends with alcohol. I installed the new retrofit gaskets and got a new desiccant tank. I used no leak stop or anything, I used plain Ester oil, no charge can, added the specified amount to the lines and a good bit to the compressor low side. Vacuumed the system for an hour. Filled with the cheapest R-134a I got in a value pack at walmart. Shit is cold, and the thing could use another half can still!!
  9. Realistically not a whole lot works with hydrogen, ask the Marshalese, or BMW.
  10. ^ The Captain's step by step guide to having an EFI Datsun that doesnt run like shit and drives like (or better than) a new car.
  11. OMFG. Stop with the BS, buy a MegaSquirt, learn to install it, SPEND ACTUAL MONEY ON A REAL, ACTUAL, GOOD EFFICIENT TUNE, ON A REAL DYNO WITH A TUNER WHO KNOWS HIS SHIT Get better mileage. Get more response in your engine Dont drive like a dingleberry. Fin. Whatever you do, DONT!! throw random flamable gasses in your engine with other vapors of other flamable liquids.
  12. I think you can still get them from online, try rock auto. or ebay. Dont sell your car.
  13. HAHA on the antenna, thats how they all are mine was EXACTLY like that, lolol. But the previous owner LUCKILY kept the original antenna which was missing the mast, so I was able to get it working propperly with the right antenna mast. You would think we would have them down here in good condition, and while that may be one good way to put it,.... we dont have them down here at all. The ones that we do have are in good rust free condition. I have seen exactly two other Maximas in the valley, ever, both owned by MisterFreezy, hahahaha. I know one guy on Desert Datsuns has one, it sat on CL for like 4 months before he picked it up, but I have never seen it. They are very hard to find anymore, at least where I am at and where I am from (PA)
  14. You need pics of your valve cover on here, that shit looks crazy.
  15. Did someone say $500 Maxima? How bad is it though, rust wise. you can remove the timer control under the passenger seat for another 1/4 lb saving lol....... Edit: if your antenna works, it weighs way more than a pound, and you should also send it to me, because racecar :rofl: . No seriously though, thats insanely rare and please do not fuck that antenna up. If it works, if it doesnt, meh.
  16. Nice updates, you can send me that compressor if its any good...........lol. I Really wish I could find one of these to put a cage in and race on the track, There getting expensive now. But still possible to find cheap if you know where to work. I would put a VK in it, just for fun.
  17. So.....You eva had your shit pushed in? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLHtxRzu6KQ
  18. Heater core from a 97 nissan pickup is identical to original fitment. It is not hard at all to pull the dash and get to that heater box, then you would have selectability between the two (blowing hot or not). I am also almost sure that when serviced properly you do not need to disconnect the AC to do this, but I am not %100 on that. If it has to do with ANYTHING in the interior, just ask me, or look in my thread.
  19. I guess it was quite bad last year. I was at our local car meet/show thing last night and talking to a few people. I guess there were some that had non running cars parked next to them in the show, that is pretty unacceptable in my opinion.
  20. Terry Yamaguchi just got back to me about JCCS, he said they are not looking for mint condition, perfect cars, and daily drivers are welcome. So I will try and we will see what happens, I definitely got the wrong idea from what is posted on their site. I hope to be able to go this year, fingers crossed.
  21. I am definitely going to check out the Williams show since its not a bad drive from me. Maxima on the road still are fairly rare so there might be a chance they would accept me, we will see I suppose.
  22. Another day another few dollars.

  23. Dont get me wrong, I dont want to see badly collision damaged vehicles either. But they are making it sound like if you dont have a paintjob you cant enter. I honestly could afford a paintjob this year.............IF, I did absolutely nothing else to my car this year. I have a fairly clean car, no rust, no dents, it just doesnt have clear coat anymore, and theres tons of little things that I wont likely even be able to find for sale before JCCS, Where does that put me? I dont get it. I can see if maybe it was so bad last year that they have to kind of scare some stuff off. I guess as you said the best I can do is wait and try. True point about AZ, but LA is only 5-ish hours.
  24. Yeah I dont so much mind it honestly, I have driven 14 hours straight before and that was across the most boring part of the country, I-40. Neither does the Wife, but the baby..........Not gonna like a 20 hour trip so much.
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