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captaingamez last won the day on September 13 2015

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  • Location
    Phoenix, Arizona.
  • Cars
    2002 civic si, 1984 Nissan Maxima 910.
  • Interests
    Machining, Vintage stereo. Cars

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  1. If a slave or master isnt working, does that not mean it either has to be leaking past the seal or there has to be air in the system though right?

    1. .sunlover


      It doesn't have to lose fluid to be bad. I had one on my 521 that somehow let air in after I bled it. Had to pump it up to limp it along, changed it, and problem solved.

    2. 510T


      I had a master go bad with no leaking as well.

    3. .sunlover


      Also had one in my old 720 that somehow built up too much pressure. Clutch would start to slip, I would crack open the valve, bleed off pressure, top it back off, then back to normal for a couple days. I changed that up to the 84 system, master, and weird added midway bleeder valve, and no more issues

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