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captaingamez last won the day on September 13 2015

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  • Location
    Phoenix, Arizona.
  • Cars
    2002 civic si, 1984 Nissan Maxima 910.
  • Interests
    Machining, Vintage stereo. Cars

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  1. Maybe if you all actually HAD a racing license (which is required for real track days by NASA and/or SCCA) then I wouldnt have to hear a bunch of internet educated drivers tell me how TERRIBLE Front wheel drive cars are in turns, LMFAO.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fat510


      He has a Nissan post 1983

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      you see what I did tharrr.

    4. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      lawnmower races don't count

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