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  1. What is the difference between a set of Austrailian tail lights and a set of US Spec tail lights? For the 510
  2. A local old timer asked me for help to find a turn signal switch for his wagon. My understanding is that they are wagon specific. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
  3. I realize this thread is a decade plus old, but I thought I would share a bit of info with the board. The Haynes manual clearly states Castrol GTX motor oil and HYPOY for the manual trans. (GL4). Castrol informed me they no longer make any GL4 product, and have widen the GTX branding to include a GTX Classic. If you want the product with higher zinc content, you should find the GTX Classic. just throwing it out there.
  4. Some great points here. Thank you everyone.
  5. Is Rockauto the place to get simple items like, ball joints, tie rods, brake lines thermostat etc. Or is there somewhere that I am unaware of. The secret 510 store. lol Thanks.
  6. Im sorry you can't see the images. You're not missing much, but find solace in the fact that I only just figured out how to put them up to the forum, so it may not be your fault. Thanks for the experienced words. They are positive in nature and albeit somewhat obvious, they need to be said to not only inform but to remind. Thank you!
  7. Five years is a bit optimistic. lol. Those a wise words, and I sincerely mean it. The originality is still the long term goal. In fact, I would very much like to keep the original paint. I have opposing opinions on that. Some say it might be original others say it's not. I would of liked to knock off all the sitting around dust and dirt and cleared it preservation, but I do not believe you can clear single stage. Even if you could there would still be all the rust. Not seen here yet is the current state of the underside. It is perfectly orange in color. The subframes and all their attached components are covered in oxidation. So the cowl was about to be a goner, the rust was so bad. I just wanted to see how electrolysis would react with this eras steel and one single area of paint. Please keep the thoughts coming, whether I agree or not, I will read and endeavor to understand better why you might feel that way. And in many cases come around to that way of thinking. Regards,
  8. The Hitachi carb is completely fxxked. Because of that, while I contemplate how I want to proceed with fuel delivery,(stock, dual carb, new engine) I decided to abate rust on some of the easy yet at risk parts.
  9. It was a 2-door or nothing for me. I have passed on some nice wagons and 4-doors over the years, but its always been an “easy” 2-door project that I wanted. The unfolding begins with a few parts in electrolysis tank.
  10. I do have a brand new gas tank. It came with the car, just not installed. Currently lying in the back seat. Thank you for the tip on the fender edge trim. All those seemingly "known" things are new to me. Ive always wanted a 510, but truthfully I am not all that knowledgeable on the details.
  11. Edgefield County. I tried to send you a PM but it said you cannot receive messages. FYI
  12. https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/281/ewremf.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/1327/D7Grlu.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/1963/5NE40t.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/1301/cXawlC.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/2986/7b3dkW.jpg
  13. The box you type in I believe I have to build up some "street cred" before I am allowed such an honor. I will try and find another way.
  14. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1941538776070375/permalink/4290953094462253/ maybe that will work.
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