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Status Replies posted by Raggleflaggle

  1. i just want a 79 200sx to pilfer for parts..

  2. will a z20 efi fit onto a z18?

  3. what kind of welding is best for a Datsun?

  4. What dovyou guys do with your datsuns when you PCS?

  5. What dovyou guys do with your datsuns when you PCS?

  6. Hit a deer. It was following the deer I happened to miss. Dented driver's fender and swashed up over the windshield. 94 Mustang

  7. Warning: '77 B210 GX in Sterrett, AL is stolen property.

  8. LZ24 or KA24?

    1. Raggleflaggle


      No, still trying to get my B back. Dude has a CL for it asking 1000. so I don't have much to worry about.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. LZ24 or KA24?

    1. Raggleflaggle


      Well my thought was that I wanted a crossflow head so I could do something like the streetfigter exhaust. Wich would need more space to be able to properly vent heat through inlet on hood, or something...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. Does anyone have a 3d printer?

  11. do 280zx struts decrease track width on the front of a B210

  12. getting my car back!

  13. Should I sell my 79 Cherokee for $2500? idk

    1. Raggleflaggle


      Saw that on CL today.. Been a while. Sound like they really want it. Kina irreplaceable vehicle though. Sweet bug-out ride, definitely.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. i aspire to make an A10 KA24DE swap. this is my latest quest, to find a suitable vehicle....

  15. who was that that was selling a b210gx for 1200?

  16. weekend PT... what a drag, man.

  17. Selling the B210GX - $1200

  18. Just found out my dad has passed. Roller coaster day. My head is still spinning

  19. Looking for some B210 seat-belts...

  20. don't want to have to scrap my datty, somebody throw me an offer! anything! TAKE IT!

  21. I fail to understand how any of you people get cheap/free datsuns.

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