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About Raggleflaggle

  • Birthday 09/07/1993

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  • Location
    Next door to Florida Man
  • Cars
    '77 B210 GX, '85 720
  • Interests
    underwater basket weaving, pineapple dwelling, world domination
  • Occupation
    taking things from one dumpster and putting them in another dumpster

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  1. what's so bad about the "new classifieds" ?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. izzo


      I do like me some bike fucking nanners... wait, i don't think thats right

    3. izzo
    4. Laecaon


      Actually I hate it because its not designed well or intuitive. It leaves a lot to be desired. Its like the episode of top gear where James isn't mad that Jeremy cut a hole in his hood, its that it was done poorly and now looks like shit.

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