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About Raggleflaggle

  • Birthday 09/07/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Next door to Florida Man
  • Cars
    '77 B210 GX, '85 720
  • Interests
    underwater basket weaving, pineapple dwelling, world domination
  • Occupation
    taking things from one dumpster and putting them in another dumpster

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  1. i aspire to make an A10 KA24DE swap. this is my latest quest, to find a suitable vehicle....

    1. mhub91


      I can go on for days about KA / A10 swaps! Been there done that. I'll help as much as possible!


    2. Raggleflaggle


      Dude, I would love to pick your brain about it. Your stanza made me want to do it. But first I need a car...

    3. mhub91


      It's a pretty easy swap. I could pretty much walk you through it over the web lol.

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