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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. 4-shore! Gotta get it done mang, the A12A is TOAST! Gonna get started dissas maby friday afternoon, evenin-ish. Gotta clean off the block and put the head on tomarro. And move the picker over to my place. Doin it on the slab infront of the shop by my place.
  2. Anyone gonna be there in real life? :unsure:
  3. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    Im scramblin to get shiz done! Workin on the intake and bout to get to doin the interior in the Pumpkn car! How ready are YOU? :poke:
  4. NEG, just took pictures. No modification whatsoever ;)
  5. Pumpkn210

    Goon Build

    Happened! Clarion Infinity Kappas between the seats! And under pass side dash! Free carpet from Rikes Remnants (Freebe) Oh and I forgot that I found my wheel and pedal controller for the Dreamcast!
  6. I'll award 200 points to whoever can guess how I did this. That would give you the Points Lead over AtomChurch(150p)
  7. Pumpkn210

    Goon Build

    Put in a clarion CD player and some Infinity Kappa speaks today and got carpet for the rear!
  8. I consider 620Kawasaki to be a friend of mine and a funny ass, hole! But these points are valad! And not all about him, there are others on this forum that go overboard from time to time. This time it has been enough, but Im positive there is a solution for this where everyone can be happy! ;)
  9. The Reps would have to be reset!
  10. I would be more than willing to take on any extra work load, and Im sure you would too!
  11. Extremely Relevant, but this needs to be addressed ACROSS THE BOARD! The rules need to be modified and enforced. Mods, start deleting posts that are unrelivant to the thread! Start giving out warnings for too much rediculous blather. Shit even the Insomniacs thread is brimming with cat fuckin garbage!
  12. Im +93 what you know about that? :P
  13. If it gets to neg votes remove all of my neg votes on his profile, they were purely in jest! Whyle I understand the reasons for dismissal ie. mostly an ASS and has less constructive stuff to say than others, talks about how "grate" his honda is, my suggestion would for the mods to maby tighten up the rules and enforce them. This would prolly fix the situation. If you got a problem with a guy try talking it out im PM rather than a "Pissing Match" in public. I have been in a peeing for distance contest before and Im not super proud of it. I have discussed certain flamboyancy thru PM with him personally and he got my point, and seemed reasonable about it. If that dont work then complain to your local area mod with a specific thread or Quote that you find "Offensive" just think of anything off-putting you may have said. I have said things to the mods about certain thimngs that I thought should be addressed and got no responce, so dont expect to get feedback. As this forum grows we need to stay on top of these things to prevent it from going out of controll! This is definately something that needs to be discussed and brought to a happy conclusion for the good of the group! Good Thread Lynch!
  14. Still gots the siren in the engine bay! Wanna find a key that fits for a car size keychain! Would Also be a cool place to put the keys during a photo.
  15. Yea, me to Little Buddy Bump ;)
  16. Yea mang! Gimmie call! (253)224-1139 ;)
  17. Dude what are you taking off the car? I will take the rest! If not I want the side markers, strutts, strut towers, wheels, center caps, beauty rings, hood hinges and latch, steering column, column switches, door handles (inner and outer) radiaor and fan, that wierd fan in the engine compartment, keys and locks (gas door to) tail lights. You dissass it yet? I'll take it whole!
  18. Goon Check In: Went to my favorite local tire shop, Dougs Used Tires on Pacific Highway just north of Fife WA. Checkin to see if they found me some small tires. Came to find they pulled aside a pair of the stock 210 ralley steelies with caps and beauiy rings for me :) Took off the full caps and found that I had ralleyes and center caps under the full caps :huh: Stuck on the beauty rings and couldnt be happier! Alse found a nice little spot right down the street from my house to take pics of the cars at. Think the wheels make it look lower :D
  19. Swappin out my Worked Over A12A for an A15 this weekend and could use a hand. Done A for A swaps before, but it just goes faster and is more fun with more people. Call or PM me for details! (253)224-1139 Thanks Dave
  20. My buddy Gregs neighbors daughter gave me this keychain. She and her mom are the niceest people in the neighborhood and are alwayse down to talk about anything, including Datsens. *Enlarged to show texture*
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