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Posts posted by Rasp933

  1. Yes..... yes you can. Although it is an extremely rare event. I would do some checks first.


    Get a test lamp and check for power on the coil + terminal and the B terminal of the matchbox.


    Are the dizzy and coil connections good and firm?


    Most important is there a good ground between dizzy and the timing cover or block. Don't assume that just because it's bolted down that it's making good connection. All the power flowing through the coil has to get to ground through the dizzy case. A dedicated ground wire is good insurance and there is isually a ground lug on the dizzy side.



    Take cap off and crank motor ... does the rotor turn?


    Is there an air gap between stator and reluctor(s)


    Is the coil bad.. swap in a spare just to check.






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