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Posts posted by Rasp933

  1. What's up fellas.

    I am currently running 280zx front inserts.On my 70 510,and it keeps bottoming out .any ideas ,which inserts will give  better riding experience s.thanks

  2. Hi.

    I recently bought this 73 datsun with everything original.has l18 with 4 speed.

    Today when I was cleaning the carburetor ..I noticed that when I press full throttle ..only the right bore opens leaving the left bore completely shut.I tried few more times and it's the same.all these is done with engine off tho.

    Is that normal or this carburetor need rebuilding??

    It's original carburetor

  3. What motor? What flywheel? If it's a 200mm clutch, you may have had a Roadster clutch in it and not known. They are different than a stock L16 clutch, which would explain the height difference.


    Are you sure you didn't put the disc in backwards, causing the disc to bottom out on the flywheel bolts?

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