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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Yeah I think I did too but I can't remember. And I meant to say math-lete. I don't know what the fark I was writing before (math-althete :blink: ).
  2. print production artist (i set files up for press), graphic design and web design. my latest project was recreating emblems for the side 1/4 panels for my 210. working that 3d program was like looking at a simulator for an airplane. managed to make a file and had them printed in plastic. just gotta paint them now. and i don't know how many other females there are on here but i am one of them :)
  3. at least he owned up to not being a math-althete. he should get one of these if you were a kid in the 70s i know you remember this
  4. ALL OF IT!!!!! Haha! PM sent.
  5. I hear you mrbigtanker. If Randy and Victor hadn't posted on here that they had stuff for a 210 I probably wouldn't have bothered showing up. Finding 210 parts is like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack except this time the needle is really small and clear so it can only be seen when the sun shines on it in a certain way. Well the sun was shining on Sunday :) Got a sweet dash from Victor and miscellaneous other parts from Randy. Even got stuff from Randy I wasn't really looking for but took cause they were metal and mine are plastic. Gotta paint the dash brown but I think I'm keeping the door latch covers black to match the metal and black window cranks I got from Randy. These two guys were great and Randy's family was cool. Nice peeps. Chatted with Shagy ever so briefly. Nice emblems. I ran off to find Victor to get the dash so I didn't get to chat longer. Hoping some of you all will have 210 stuff for the next one. I'll be there!
  6. So if the guy thought they were too expensive then why did he buy anything? Randy, I bought parts from you and some were parts I had bought at the boneyard a couple weeks ago. Your prices aren't much different. The dude's a twat. Considering he didn't have to go to the junkyard and pull parts in the blazing sun he should consider himself lucky. You brought everything from up north and probably spent a fortune in gas getting here. The fool got a deal. 'Nuff said. And Shagy, what you said.
  7. Ok since there are no takers it's going on ebay.
  8. Thanks datrod. I've had him nearly 23 years. He's my son. And no I don't wipe him down with diapers but close :)
  9. Yes thanks to everyone for putting this on. It was my first Datsun swapmeet and I didn't expect to get much of anything for my 210. Ended up with an amazing dash assembly, some metal window cranks (cause mine are plastic and they suck) and some other things I can now cross off my list. Most everything is going on the car immediately! Have to paint the dash and door latch covers. Thanks again Randy for the stuff. I look forward to the next meet. My bf thinks I'm obsessed. Ha! Then we get home and he starts looking at Zs for sale cause seeing all those Datsuns reminded him of the Z his friend used to have and he liked it so much. Mmm hmmm someone else has got the bug. :rofl: Kimberly
  10. yeah i think both 0s are a typo cause he spelled divorce with an e (devorce) :huh:
  11. Yeah most yards are like that. Freaking annoys me. Can't tell you nothing. I was there 3 days ago and it had the seats. Was a 1980 210. I had some friends go back yesterday and pull some other parts my dumb ass should've taken when I was there. I can ask if the seats were still in it. You'd have to get there soon. They only seem to keep cars 3 weeks and I think that one is a week and a couple days in now.
  12. My 210 and I made it out. Many thanks to Randy and Victor for the 210 parts. We got there early and left fairly early so I don't have pics of a lot of the cars that showed up later but here's some for your viewing pleasure. We didn't get one of that white Fairlady that was there. It was NIIICCCE.
  13. officially 8am-2pm. i'm a newbie too. had to ask myself :)
  14. funny i actually pulled one from a '79 a couple weeks ago that is blue. seems every time i find what i want it's blue but i can paint it. how well does it move between gears? the one i pulled seems to get a little stuck if it goes past D. not that it matters. i never drive in 2nd or 1st gear B) how much you askin? never hurts to have backup in case i mess one up.
  15. vex 210 i'm interested in the dash. pm sent.
  16. update: found a rearview mirror and illumination control unit (dash dimmer). amazingly enough the dash dimmer from a z worked. still seeking 1/4 panel emblems, an automatic transmission console, inside door latch covers (escutcheons) and a glove box. i need the entire box and door. also seeking a heater control unit. the unit of course is plastic and the plastic is crumbling so the levers that turn the heat on and off will soon stop working. if you got anything i'm after holla!
  17. 210 parts! Everybody bring any and all '79-'82 210 parts. I'll be there! And actually if anyone knows what might be interchangeable internally with the 210 I'm interested. Not the engine but the interior (rearview, handles, inside door handle covers, etc). Bring it! :thumbup:
  18. Yeah it was like the '79 210/310 they had in there. It was perfect. Probably junked it cause it stopped running and didn't want to fix it. Sometimes the boneyard is depressing. If Sierra is reading this you might want take a look at the photos I posted above and see if this car is what you've got. That 210 was a hatchback. The front seats were still in it. Not pretty but can be reupholstered I'm sure.
  19. 1980 210 in Ontario, CA Pick A Part on Milliken. Wasn't much use to me unfortunately but wasn't in too bad shape. Looked like it had been sitting someplace for a very long time before making it's way to the boneyard.
  20. Hey Randy, no I'm good. He bought it as a gift and when it was discovered it was for a 510 he went ahead and got one for a 210. My mom was driving the car at the time and it turned out it was just the fuse that was out :blink: I thought she checked that before saying the motor was bad. Mom's a nut. So now I have one in the car and one on the shelf. My bf just never had time to send this back where he got it so I told him I'd put it up for sale. And that's the story on that. Don't listen to your parents :)
  21. My bf got me a wiper motor for my car but I have a 210. He was given wrong info by my mom. Silly lady was thinking about the 510s we used to have. Anyway, I'm not using this and it was never installed so if anyone is in need here's one for sale. EDIT: This is a remanufactured wiper motor. Works with 1978-1981. Since there were no takers here it is now on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/...639b1f6&vxp=mtr ~ Kimberly SOLD
  22. Yes, PB310 is the number for 210 (Sunny). Just didn't know what the P was for. Hit you back on PM.
  23. Ok here's the engine plate. Type is listed as PB310 and the Model is PLB310RAV. This is a rear wheel drive car. No clue what all those letters are for. You may know better than I do.
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