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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Great seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones I've only chatted with on here. I think the judging was fixed. They were giving awards to buckets. Kinda like this one Just kidding John! Your car is purdy :) Enjoy the pics!
  2. I'm going to see what Datsuns show up. Could care less about some damn lunch pail lookin cars.
  3. I was going to be posting soon to see who's in. I plan on being there. I hope more folks come out. Anyone else in? Only two weeks to go so if you're still wrenching hurry it up!
  4. 8/81 210 Monrovia. Pretty rough shape.
  5. Saw a pickup yesterday which I think was a 620 on Fountain in Hollywood. Was in a hurry so no pic. Looked pretty good. Was a rust color. Saw another 620 today which I believe is the same one I saw a couple months back. Then I saw a blue Z but it turned off the road I was on before I could get close enough for a pic.
  6. Look in the side mirror. I haven't seen a Pinto in ages.
  7. I got that email too. I'm leaving from San Bernardino so I'll meet up with you all in Corona. If anybody else is leaving from SB holla! We can meet up someplace and caravan over to Corona.
  8. Yeah I think as we get older we can't do that clutch shift crap anymore. Probably why you all got your Dattos from little old ladies :) I knew I'd be moving to LA where traffic sux so I insisted on an automatic when my dad started looking for a car for me. I wasn't doing that clutch shift shit in this traffic. I'd have to get knee replacement surgery before I was 50.
  9. According to the website it's in Williams, Arizona.
  10. My dad fixed all our Datsuns. He bought them for the simple fact they were easy to fix. I'd like to own another. A 510 would be amazing but I'm kinda diggin the 610 and the 620. I really like the front end of the 620. I would want them pre '74 tho. No smog! Have to get a place to put these cars. I need a big ole long driveway and a damn garage! And a house attached to it of course, haha. The bf wants a 240Z. He's caught the bug :) One of these days.....
  11. Cool! Stanley won't be the only B310 :) I wish we still had my dad's 510. I learned to drive in that car. The clutch was going and my mom didn't want to mess with it so she sold it. She was also getting older and to the point she didn't want a manual shift anymore. I grew up with a crap ton of Datsuns. We had a couple of wagons, a couple of 510s and my 210. We also had an old Chevy truck which my brother took when our dad passed away. I think it was a '67. I wish I had pics of all the Datsuns we had. Parents weren't the best at taking pictures for some reason. I never thought I was that ugly. LOL!
  12. The old frame was a little off on that side but not as much as this new one. I'm pretty certain it's off because of the hit he took. The bumper is still a little off to this day. You going to Nissan Jam next weekend?
  13. Yup! My dad bought him for me back in '89. Stanley was a salvaged vehicle. Someone scrapped him for having a dent in the trunk :sneaky: A guy by the name of Walker rescued him and had him for sale at his small used car lot. My dad saw this and brought him home. I liked him so Walker fixed the trunk, repainted and my dad bought him. My first ever car. About 8 months later my dad passed away so it became all the more special to me other than the fact that it's a great running car. I've had him painted probably 4 or 5 times over the years. When I started my resto a couple years ago I had the seats reupholstered, new headliner, carpet, back dash and visors redone. This is what started my trips to the junkyard to find missing plastic pieces and parts and eventually I found ratsun where I've been able to get a few things and the knowledge from others to get things fixed. Ebay has been amazing for aftermarket stuff. Even bought a NOS radio on there. Haven't seen one since. I bought some brochures off ebay so I could see what the 210 looked like new cause I was going for the stock look. Found rims and wheel caps at the boneyard which was sweeeet! I really like the wheel caps. I've enjoyed making Stanley practically like new again. Although sometimes I just hate to take something apart cause I just know something is going to break and it's usually plastic. Like those grille clips. Urgh! But I love this car and I'll keep him forever....in a garage....where he can't get hurt :hug: But I do run him early in the morning when everyone is still asleep and we have the road to ourselves. Datsun love :wub:
  14. Some stupid girl ran a stop sign and clipped Stanley in the bumper and moved the whole thing over. I wanted to kill her. This was about 23 or 24 years ago now I guess. The body shop had to straighten him out. It was really as far as they could go so his smile is forever crooked. But the original headlight frame did have an offset (which I believe is circumstance from that accident) to it but not as bad as this. I may keep them on. It'll just be another one of his quirks. Or until it does bug me and I put the originals back on. I already hit them with chrome paint. Now I have to finish masking the chrome trim area and then hit with black.
  15. Thanks! Not sure where these originated but probably overseas somewhere. I saw them on ebay as well as another pair from Taiwan that came with the signal lens. These actually shipped from South El Monte which isn't that far from LA but no signal lens. I went for these cause they were closer and would get here faster. I wanted them in time for Nissan Jam next week. Now I'm curious how the Taiwan ones would fit.
  16. Operation Stanley's Facelift complete. Here's the before: Took off the grille and this shit happened. One of these stupid plastic clips broke on the other side. So I got some license plate fasteners to pop in that hole and screw the grille down when I put it back on. Stanley with no face. Started putting on the new headlight frames. Masked off the chrome Painting vents kinda sux Here he is put back together and painted with new headlight frames in place. Passenger side frame fit nicely. Driver's side not so much. A little bummed about that fit. Everything about that one was a pain. All the holes for the clips for the signal lens screws were too big especially on the driver's side. Got some of those license plate fasteners and they fit nicely except for one. Hole still too big so I secured it with gorilla glue. Stanley was hit on the driver's side about the bumper and the front was pushed so it had to be straightened. I'm not entirely sure if that's why the fit of that frame is so bad or not. The original is a bit off but not as much as this one. I haven't decided if it annoys the shit out of me yet or not. Looks great from the front but when you look at it from the side you see how recessed the frame is. Currently painting my originals as I may pop those back on. Still undecided.
  17. Sorry hadn't checked this in a while. Had to have the bf help muscle one off a car in yard a while back so I asked him what he did. He said it was easier to remove it at the shock absorbers. He said it was difficult to get at the bolts holding in the bumper so he removed it with the shock absorbers still attached where they attach to the frame then you could disassemble everything easier. I hope that helps a little.
  18. Going to try out these aftermarket headlight frames I found and finally paint the grille tomorrow. Facelift continues.

  19. The next size up they had was waaay too big. I'm going to try and find something a little closer if I can and if it's close enough, like you said, I'ma file that sumabitch! I honestly didn't even think I'd find clips that were close enough let alone actually fit.
  20. Went to Autozone this morning to pick up a couple things and asked if they might have clips that small. The smallest they had actually fit perfect! Sweet! Only one hole was still too darn big and the next size up they had was too big. I'll have to check the hardware stores. If not, I'm gluing that shit. Thanks guys!
  21. So where and what time are the IE peeps going to meet up to head out there? I'll be leaving from San Bernardino.
  22. So I found these aftermarket headlight frames with some chrome shiny goodness. The holes for the clips that the screws for the signal lens go into are a bit too big so the clips don't fit snugly. I was thinking of putting gorilla glue on the clips to secure them better. I won't be trying to fix these until I see how the frames fit on the car which won't be til this weekend. If anyone has better ideas about getting the clips to fit I'd like to hear them.
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