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Cleopatra Jones

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Status Replies posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. In the last month I've walked 250k/155 miles or 5.5 miles a day. Six days I had to cut it short to 3 miles, 4 were 8.5 and the rest were 5 to 7 miles. It's like sex in that the more you do it the more you want. 





    In almost 29 years I have never seen two mornings the same. The tide and waves alone are finitely different.



  2. In the last month I've walked 250k/155 miles or 5.5 miles a day. Six days I had to cut it short to 3 miles, 4 were 8.5 and the rest were 5 to 7 miles. It's like sex in that the more you do it the more you want. 





    In almost 29 years I have never seen two mornings the same. The tide and waves alone are finitely different.



  3. Hey I could use two of those emblems for a B210 station wagon.


  4. Hey I could use two of those emblems for a B210 station wagon.


    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      These are for a 210 not a B210. Just FYI. They are two different models.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Any advice for uploading pictures from Imgur from an iphone?

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      What Matt said and I always use the desktop version in Safari cause the app seems to be bullshit for some reason. I can't even get the app to give proper links.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Ermegerd!!! Stanley has a/c now!!!

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      There has always been a black cavernous hole where my heart used to be.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Ermegerd!!! Stanley has a/c now!!!

  8. Are the hoses that go to the heater core on the 210 preformed? Getting a/c installed and my mechanic doesn't want to cut anything yet. Do I need to have hoses made or what needs to happen?

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Actually found the hoses at a couple different Nissan dealers out of state. Ordered them this morning.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Are the hoses that go to the heater core on the 210 preformed? Getting a/c installed and my mechanic doesn't want to cut anything yet. Do I need to have hoses made or what needs to happen?

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Thanks! Reading now. I also have part numbers and have a couple of leads where I can still get the hoses my mechanic is concerned about.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. Are the hoses that go to the heater core on the 210 preformed? Getting a/c installed and my mechanic doesn't want to cut anything yet. Do I need to have hoses made or what needs to happen?

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Yeah I totally expect something will need to be made. I'm going to call him in the morning and get more details.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. Are the hoses that go to the heater core on the 210 preformed? Getting a/c installed and my mechanic doesn't want to cut anything yet. Do I need to have hoses made or what needs to happen?

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I'm sending him a pic of the heater/ac page from my parts book so he can tell me which hoses. I need to get more info so I can ask the right question. I'll see if I can find your how to. Do you have a link just in case?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. What do you guys use for picture hosting that works for phones and tablets? Wish I had a computer but don't at the moment.

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I've been using imgur but it's best if you use the browser on your phone so you can use the desktop setup. The app blows.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Thinking about going on the cup of noodle diet, anyone currently on it or have been on it with good results?

  14. Me calling radiator shops: I need a radiator for a 1981 Datsun 210. Radiator shops: https://goo.gl/images/vKDuhD

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I appreciate the offer but it's already been done. I'm actually picking him up today. Radiator shop was running behind. My mechanic gives me good deals. I built and maintain his websites :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Me calling radiator shops: I need a radiator for a 1981 Datsun 210. Radiator shops: https://goo.gl/images/vKDuhD

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I'm having it rebuilt. I can also get a longer warranty on it than getting a new one. Bonus, they're going to take him to be smogged for me too. He should be done tomorrow.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. Me calling radiator shops: I need a radiator for a 1981 Datsun 210. Radiator shops: https://goo.gl/images/vKDuhD

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Yes I did chat with a guy today that said he could use my original to rebuild. I eventually found a couple others that said they can probably get me one. Still waiting on my mechanic's dude to see if he can get one.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. The verdict is in. Stanley's alternator was bad so it's been rebuilt. The radiator is leaking too.

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Ha! Well aside from the usual drips (oil) this is unacceptable. Still trying to find a radiator. Sigh.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. The verdict is in. Stanley's alternator was bad so it's been rebuilt. The radiator is leaking too.

  19. The verdict is in. Stanley's alternator was bad so it's been rebuilt. The radiator is leaking too.

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Go for it. I was figured it would be the alternator after I thought about it. It has been over 20 years since it's been replaced.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Stanley's battery light was lowly lit so I had the battery checked. It was bad. Got a new one. Battery light is still lowly lit. Maybe there's a short somewhere? New mystery!

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Hmm interesting. My battery terminals are pretty clean but you can never tell. I'll double check that just in case. Thanks for the help guys!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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