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Cleopatra Jones

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Cleopatra Jones last won the day on September 24 2017

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About Cleopatra Jones

  • Birthday November 11

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    Land of the fruits and the nuts...and the rest are flakes
  • Cars
    '81 210 (aka Stanley), ‘23 Kia (aka Hutchins)
  • Occupation
    Print Production/Graphic Design/Web

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  1. Finally got mom's house cleaned out and escrow has closed. The last two months have been stressful. Glad it's over and she's getting the hell out of San Berna-ghetto (San Bernardino for those lucky enough not to live there). Life can return to normal.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MikeRL411


      You have my sympathy! I was staioned at Norton AFB and left for :Higher Education" just brfore the Air Force built many affordable housing units for Enlisted Personnel just before the closed Norton AFB [ now the optomistic San Bernardino International airport (good luck). The base move transferred 400 or more Air Force, and about 1000 Civilian and contract support bodies and families to El Segundo CA. The total San Bernardino housing market tanked! House were abanded and taken...

    3. Seeker > 620 KC

      Seeker > 620 KC

      I was born in the Inland Empire and raced those streets back in the 70's when it was the speed "speed" capital of the west coast. And we aren't talking cars here. It was a "hard town" then. There are nice areas, but overall it has just decayed. Good timing getting her out to a nicer life!

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      cruznude: The place is just a complete hole. Too many gangs. Shootings all the time. The people look haggard. All of them look like crack heads. It's been in a downward spiral for over 20 years and it only gets worse. Never seems to get better. It wasn't so bad when I was growing up but now....I'm just glad I never have to go there again.

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