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About mrmark

  • Birthday 10/23/1971

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    outside philly
  • Cars
    79 210 - 09 Jetta - 99 Suburban
  • Interests
    Cars, mechanical work, occasional gardening?
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  1. Just got back from NH, had to bury my best friend, really sux

    1. MikeRL411


      It's all relative. My older brother fell down a flight of stairs and died of a broken neck many years ago. After a "proper" Irish wake, we gathered at the funeral home for the burial service. A relative made the unfortunate observance "This will be the only tripo he ever made without a six-pack," I promply corrected that mistake. He was buried with 3 cans of Guinesses stout and 6 cans of Rheingold McSotley's ale under his elbows!

    2. MikeRL411


      Make that McSorleys ale! At the church the priest was giving the usual homilies when the organist reached down and switched the organ's amplifier off. There was a loud "pop", and my sister mutteres loudly. "Jesus, he coulden't wait! He's opening them already!" We all started laughing as quietly as you can at a funeral. To this day, I am sure the priest thought that his fly was open.

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      hahahahahaha oh thats an awesome story Mike !!! Sorry to hear of your brother. Thanks for sharing that. Sorry to hear mr mark.

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