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Dat Lurka

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Everything posted by Dat Lurka

  1. Fiji? Might be easier and cheaper to have a parts car shipped to you. Fiji is close(er) to NZ right?
  2. ^Lmao I saw that on uberhumor the other day. I think I put it in insomniacs. The winds just died down an hour ago and it's a lot warmer now.
  3. It's a 4 cylinder but same concept. I didn't realize you were talking about a Z engine. Here these may help. Stupid pictureless explanations. Basically you want the pistons to look like this when you put the head on to turn the cam. If it is a TDC, you will probably hit the pistons with valves trying to turn it through. Turn the cam to TDC position while the pistons are down. Heres some examples. Look at the middle of pic. See the little triangular notch aligned with the dash on the plate? Cam lobes Then remove the head and turn engine to TDC. #1 piston at the top. Not sure what a Z crank looks like but surely theres a notch and a 0 somewhere. Now you can install your TDC head to TDC engine.
  4. What am I talking about?? What are YOU talking about? "My old motor seized, and I'm re-using the head off it. The head is an N47, came off an N42 block, gonig back on an N42 block. The problem is that the motor didn't seize at TDC (wouldn't that be nice) and I have no idea how to get it back to TDC. Any help?" You're saying here that you want to turn the frozen motor to TDC. What I figure you meant to say is you need to turn the HEAD to TDC before installing on "new" engine. I was explaining how to do that. ​ Read what hainz said under his vid, same thing. Semi install the head with engine at halfway tdc, as in pistons in the middle, so you can turn the camshaft to TDC (cams at 11 and 2, notch on gear aligned with plate on cam tower) without hitting the pistons. Then return engine to TDC so you can install the timing kit.
  5. Ok can it be adjusted? Way to confuse me guys... I have the old working accelerator pump if I need to replace it.
  6. I am 20 years old. I have beaten the odds as many times as I've beat Medal of Honor. If you simplify it to die or not die, not your chances of dying from a certain death, it's 1/2. Yes, or no. You either die that day or you don't. Your chances of dying from a certain cause are different than your chances of dying or not dying. I'm basing that ratio on whether you DIE or DON'T DIE. If you base it on statistics then it is different. Hell.... if you base it on statistics, you shouldn't have even been born :rofl: It's a random and hysterical world. You can either enjoy it or fear it. WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T FOCUS YOUR EFFORTS ON CONSUMERISM. Best advice I can give anyone.
  7. Regular coil and resistor. I haven't timed it with a light yet. I can borrow one once I can return some other stuff lol. The dizzy wiggles on its mount for sure. I got the drive spindle correct \ at TDC. I'll find some AAs and take some pics. The truck was running when I rebuilt the carb and it ran much better afterwards but never checked the secondary. The accelerator had a nice solid spray before sitting and now it just drips.
  8. Hmmm... sounds like wiring issues. :poke: Continue your swap to the book. You got a book right?
  9. We've had beautiful blue skys all day! With a constant freezing wind! Woohoo..
  10. ANY Maxima is a good choice! Go ahead and get the best you can get for the money.
  11. Your concern is much appreciated. The millions that drown in New York city will give a bunch if fucks. Me? I've always wanted to visit NY. Maybe they'll have diving tours. Excuse me, I find it humorous when humans stress about natural occurrences. Every day you have a 50% chance of dying. I didn't die yesterday. I celebrate such accomplishments. I beat the odds. The coastal residents have, and have had, days to evacuate. Remember Katrina? I do. I left. Truth is, they want people to die. If you live in the North East. Prepare yourself if you haven't already. Best of luck to you and yours. It's a 50/50. I hope you beat the odds!
  12. Whats it matter? Take the head off. Put "new" engine at halfway past tdc #1 so that the pistons are in line. That was you can turn the cam to "tdc" ( cam lobe positions 11 and 2?, notch lined up with plate)without hitting the pistons with the valves. I had to do it on my engine because I installed the head at tdc #2. Yes I was drunk. Had to turn the cam through cause it was upside down.
  13. Yeah I was gonna say earlier that it looks to be mainly stock and in the middle of a swap. Might as well tuck them while you're at it.
  14. My shop is like 90' x 30' excluding the "carport" and I still have clutter. I'm not great at keeping my tools organized but I've gotten better.
  15. Why should I give fucks? It's 2012. They told us mad shit was going down in October.
  16. Oh, before you beat on the relay.. Check your connections. A bad battery connection will cause that. Take both battery clamps off, clean everything till its shiny, clamp them on tight.
  17. Find the box and hit it forcibly while you turn the key. Probably some sorta relay to the starter solenoid. Sometimes they get stuck and need a good beating. If all else fails, scrap it and buy a 620.
  18. It ALWAYS gets nasty around there when a storm comes through. I went to Buford GA during Ivan and after it went north of Pensacola it got scary. We went to a Mexican restaurant and all was cool then all off a sudden HURRICANE in freaking Buford. The place lost power right after we got our food so we finished in candlelight. It was raining so hard, there was 3" of water on the parking lot. When we got back to where we were staying we turned on the tv and the news was reporting 18 confirmed Tornadoes in the area. I don't know what it is about north GA but it tends to funnel and magnify the weather.
  19. I don't want to fool with it. Ready for a clean and simple weber.
  20. Haha it was all working great when I rebuilt it! It sat while I was doing timing and headgasket. And nothing works correctly now.
  21. ^ He may want to get his reverse working
  22. I've been in 11 hurricanes. Fuck not given.
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