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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Less than 50 posts on the site and youre already willing to donate a good chunk on money to it. Welcome and GLWS.
  2. So apparently IPS Community decided I wasnt allowed to follow my own thread anymore... had to re-follow. Anyway, thanks for all the info guys. Question: Im looking for an engine bay picture from someone on here (Im about 90% is was on here) where someone has an oil cooler behind the passenger-side of the grille. I thought it was Dirt Tracks, but I cant find anything to support that. I was looking for the Engine Bay Pictures thread, but could find it to even browse through it.
  3. Tristin

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    Good idea... I have a gas can as well. I think it may only be a 2gal one though, but its better than nothing.
  4. Tristin

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    Maybe if theres a pit stop somewhere she can hitch a ride with you guys for a little bit...
  5. Tristin

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    Zelda will be there... :poke:
  6. Tristin


    Fuck... whats with all these "out in the open" threads lately?- just deal with your problems already.
  7. Good to know. They did say you were the programming God and were very sad to see you go. Thanks for the advice. Now I just have a torrent a copy to play around with.
  8. Hmmm I thought MasterCam was for "speeds and feeds." I wasn't aware you could model with it too. That's good info Josh, thanks!
  9. I wish I had a cooler title... everyone has badass ones but me. Id like some awsome like "Minty Fresh to Def" or something legit. I guess I dont hang out with the right people in person enough to garner getting a cool name.
  10. Whos 240 is that? I really like the look of that car and I can only see the rear quarter. The over processing on these make my brain hurt... try toning it down a bit. That was a really good save on this one. Not horribly over processed and you brought back a lot of details in the sky. Good job. Reminds me of a shot I took in the Phillipines:
  11. How troublesome is this process to areas with surface rust? Whats the likelyhood of ripping paint off those areas are the rust/paint border?
  12. Let me look at some pictures and Ill see what my capabilities are up here. You would still have to buy materials at whatever their cost is, but Id be willing to cut you a good amount of slack on the labor. Unfortunately no. This weekend is my Reservist weekend so Im busy both Saturday and Sunday. I was planning on coming down to Tacoma for a few parts since I might be getting a few extra dollars, but not sure now with the blown tire. I will have to see what that damage is before I decide to come down. Ill text you what I figure out.
  13. http://community.ratsun.net/user/2642-thatsoon510/ ^^^ That guy... he always seems to have a pretty good selection on emblems. Ive also emailed a friend asking if he has any... he has the largest collection of Datsuns and Datsun parts Ive ever seen. Just waiting to hear back from him.
  14. Id totally take that Q... Ive been trying to look up some books through Demonoid to see what I can download, but I must not be searching for the right terms... not much comes up. I think Ive been looking specifically for 2012 stuff which there just may not be a lot on that site yet for that release. I can slide by your place for that book and then fight love on one of your moms cats. Are you stating that youd like me to cut parts for you? Every day I seem to want to make something new. I have two specific parts in mind I want to make right now. Both should be pretty easy to get into the process, but I think a few people might want them. Theres a couple options already for people to pick up other versions, but I think these will be superior. I have a little book I keep with me with sketches and ideas.
  15. Correct... Blender just really wasnt for me. Ive got a bunch of friends in the rapid prototyping field that switched to SW and havent looked back from Blender. Then again they dont do CGI for Spiderman either; just things out of ABS. I just think SW is the way to go for many reasons. The easiest being that that is what work uses so I need to get in step if I want to cheaply make my own parts with the shops machines. I get the run of the place when there arent jobs running so Im trying to learn as much as I can as fast as I can so I can start churning out my own parts. Id like to be able to supliment a little bit of my income with a few parts I whip up in the shop. I can dream anyway.
  16. :confused: What title? Ive used Blender a bit for created objects with 3D printers, but I find it a bit clunky. I know quite a few people that use it though because its free and capable (ish). Im very happy to be switching over to SolidWorks and I cant wait to learn more.
  17. Just let me know. With either the dimensions of a template you make, I could whip up a set pretty easy I think. Yeah, I think thats where most of the experience comes from. The initial setup and by-off on making sure a correct part is made is probably the longest part. The program wont tell you, but sometimes you have to come up with a few steps in the machining process to be able to get a finished working part. You cant just slap a piece of metal into the machine and expect it to be cut out right every time. Nice render Duke!
  18. I could make a set of brackets if you were still interested... My skills are currently limited to basically wheel adapters, brackets of sorts, and various plates. I have a few designs on working on they are are challenging me to get better. SolidWorks is actually easier than I expected to be honest.
  19. Yeah I was going through a few. It takes you a minute to figure out what the hell theyre talking about sometimes.
  20. Flat tire on the way to work... FML. I dont get it: I dont run anywhere, I dont have any crazy camber, no crazy stretch and the tire just decided to slip its bead. I was enjoying a burrito and all of a sudden the car just pulls to the right. I correct it and kept going. I get to work and as I slowed down in the parking lot I could smell a bit of rubber burning. I could then see that my right front side was lower than the rest of the car. I thought maybe I had blown a shock so I was rubbing a bit since there was no crazy noise, no ridiculous vibrations, just the right-side pull. I get out and look at the wheel and I was still driving on tire, but it wasnt aired up at all. It had partially slipped into the well and Im lucky I made it to work safely. Both the rim and tire look fine but I wont know what happened until morning and I get the rim off. Fuck. Another thing I cant afford to fix.
  21. Psh... Welcome to four posts ago! You're welcome buddy. I should have known it was her... When I first saw her images, I said the same Tea Leoni line. Should have clicked. Once you gave me a larger image I knew who it was. Glad something came of this thread and I could help.
  22. Her name is Alysha Nett... youre welcome http://alyshanett.com/
  23. If youre going to have them rebarrelled, why not just make them 15s? And where are you getting them done through?- I know a few places that do good work.
  24. As many times as I come into this thread, Ive never figured it out. Who is the girl in your avatar? She looks like a younger more alternative version on Tea Leoni.
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