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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Yeah, I just hit one year of ownership... I was lucky to find such a nice 510 (even if I paid a little more than I should have). Well hopefully your buddy finds what he needs. Maybe you should get him to sign up here and put a trade thread up and see what happens. Either he can trade for a 510, sell the 710 to fund a 510 purchase, or maybe after looking at the nice 710 build threads here he will want to keep it. Either way, once again welcome to the site. Im sure you wil enjoy it here. Will you be coming down to Olympia for a meet up at the end of February? Check the events section for details.
  2. Where in Japan are you located?
  3. Drift isnt for everyone (I dont even personally like it and Im sure its going to die out), but I like the bigger shows sometimes. As much as I love all the Ratsuners Ive meet, its nice to share your ride with others. The more people you can get to appreciate a Datsun the better I think.
  4. I saw this bitch at Blue Lake last year... its great to know its yours. Maybe Ill actually meet you at the next get together. I can feel your worries on changing things on it, especially since its such a personal ride between you and your dad. Have you thought about just restoring it to a better condition, but aesthetically the same? Have it repainted better that same purple, freshly powdercoat the rims gold, all that jazz. It bet it would be nice to see you and your dads project back in top top shape.
  5. Hey, glad to see another Seattle area member. Took a quick peak at the blog... car looks good. I would recommend continuing progress here or people like Jacob will cry because he doesnt do blogs. Ive seen that 710 on Craigslist- is that one yours too?
  6. Cali. Its in between Rancho Cucamonga and San Bernardino... I have some family there.
  7. Yep, they are all over eBay Australia. Those visors are big in that area...
  8. That wasnt necessarily directed at you, just that it really does get tiring answering the same question over and over again. Posting pictures here is probably the number one thing asked. Theres even a sticky on how to do it, but no one seems to ever read it. Hopefully you decide to stick around as youll find theres a lot of resources here as well as some great members.
  9. No problem... I figured with that many images, youd want them working right. It looks like you did a fantastic job. Those Mishimoto radiators are great. I know a bunch of high horsepower DSMs and Evos running them with no problems. I was running one as well until I went with a half radiator.
  10. Yeah that one. It just seems too dirty for being a Corolla.
  11. Yeah, I went to Golden Gardens last year. If it happens again, I will probably do both events. I had fun at GG, but Im thinking of switching it up... who knows.
  12. Anybody notice how fucking dirty that white car behind the Datsuns is?!
  13. oics? I see no oics... just a bunch of links. :rofl:
  14. Stop your crying Jon... it looks great. Plus it only matter if you like it right?- being that youre the one that owns and drives it.
  15. Well this last one way my fault... the one prior to that wasnt. I will make this one though :)
  16. You sound like a regular JRock with all your excuse. Get down here and enjoy the fun (says the guy who just missed a meet... ooooo self burn)!
  17. Its a little north of Seattle and a little east. If you feel comfortable getting to Seattle, you can make it to Nissanfest.
  18. Monroe is by Snohomish... just south and east of Everett.
  19. This is the 2nd anual Nissanfest put on by Northwest Nissans and co-ran by NWMotiv. It would be nice to see some "classic Nissans" show up and represent. Theres plenty of time to get your cars/trucks ready by April so no excuses to make it out. What: Nissanfest 2013 When: April 21st from 11am-5pm Where: Evergreen Speedway in Monroe, WA (https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Evergreen+Speedway,+14405+179th+Avenue+Southeast,+Monroe,+WA&hl=en&ll=47.868718,-121.986973&spn=0.007931,0.02105&sll=47.381086,-122.503766&sspn=1.024703,2.694397&oq=ever&t=h&gl=us&hq=Evergreen+Speedway,&hnear=14405+179th+Ave+SE,+Monroe,+Snohomish,+Washington+98272&z=16&iwloc=A) Registration is open and can be submitted here: https://autoshowregistration.com/event/5/the-showcase-at-nissan-fest-presented-by-nwmotiv-com
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