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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. She actually moved next door to me before I moved a couple weeks ago. Shes pretty nice. I only made one deployment with her, but everything went fine. Woman have been underway on subs before so its nothing terribly new.
  2. The Ohio only has one female officer and she showed up on my last deployment. She is the Supply Officer, cool chick. The female in the photo is a medical officer that came along that mission for some training. Correct, there are no female SEALs.
  3. You guys dont have to worry, I dont even want to be a mod. I have no desire to mod a site that thinks it doesnt need the help... You guys are safe from my "assumed moderator overload routine." I just want to be able to edit my own posts...
  4. You like both boys and girls. You cant play both fields and then steal plutonic friends as well.
  5. I had some more where SEALs were driving combat boats onto the back of my sub (a la Act of Valor), but Im not sure where they went.
  6. No longer welcome over here if thats the case. Ill try whatever beer you bring over.
  7. Yep, I can only change the Feedback thread and the Memorial Day thread. If its intentional, I would appreciate it if we could get that ability back. Its always nice to add stuff to original posts. Or change titles once something happens. Mods say they are already swamped with work, it would be stupid to add changing thread titles. That seems like an unnecessary admin job.
  8. Yeah, I just edited it. Thread was created on the 12th of this month. Let me try my build thread...
  9. I was able to edit the feedback thread I created days ago... title and content. I just checked.
  10. I eat like a super fatty. Id like to say its muscle weight, but that shit aint true. Eventually Id like it to be.
  11. Lol if I remember correctly from Golden Gardens last year, Im bigger than you lol. But yes, cheese would kill me. Not due to allergic reaction, but because I would be so devastated that my brain would cease to function. It would just shut down. Ugh, so gross.
  12. Yep. I dont want to touch it, taste it, see it, smell it... I wont eat anything on the plate if cheese has touched it. Fuck cheese. Its horrid.
  13. Let me see what I can do about more sub pics. I have a bunch, but Ill have to go through them to see what I can release.
  14. Ive been onboard once. Cool boat. Ive been on all currently commissioned classes of US boats, a couple decommed US boats, British t-hulls, Australian Collins class, and Korean Type-209. Submarines are awesome.
  15. So I was confused why you listed "or Akula" as they are not the same class. Typhoon is a class and Akula is a class. I just did a Google search and looking at Wikipedia it gives me my answer. Wikipedia is way incorrect. Akula class boats are smaller fast attack style boats where are the Typhoon class is a huge behemoth of a boat. Interesting that Wikipedia would list that. I may or may not have gone against an Akula. I can positively confirm I have never seen a Typhoon (very unfortunately :( ) Here is the right Akula class boat : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akula-class_submarine
  16. I meant LA class, my bad. I keep typing Ohio in this thread and it was habit. LA beams are something like 35ft. Regardless, I think the Typhoon is the largest submarine in the World. If Mike knows something I dont, Id love to see the specs. I love submarine history and knowledge. That was my favorite part of being a Sonar Technician; I was required to memorize all specifications of foreign subs. Fun time :)
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