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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. The event Anna was going to ended up being Saturday and not Friday like she first thought. So were just going to pop in quick Friday morning and leave earlier. I'll save you a spot next to us ^_^
  2. I generally just remember the title and search for it later when its on-topic. Seems to come in handy now haha. I just spend too much time on the Internet so I see a lot of crap lol
  3. I should be leaving Friday morning sometime from Tacoma.
  4. And so it begins (although late haha): http://youtu.be/N8F5YSA1Oz0
  5. Are you really complaining about someone posting tits?- and you call me gay... If you stop posting the mobile code, the videos will actually show up...
  6. I want to pugsit!- but I'm going to Canby as well :( Maybe another time haha Hope you can find someone so you guys can show up.
  7. Doesn't need to since it's in this section ^_^
  8. This is the goon thread which is in the 510/1600 section...
  9. I've been waiting for everyone to post their videos so I can come in a wreck havoc... I'll be posting in the morning. Unfortunately I've witnessed some of the worst music videos ever made. I don't know why people think it's good. IB4 comments that I listen to death metal so every video is horrible.
  10. Owner said it was listed at $4500 a bit ago. There was too much interest so he increased the price and sold it for $6000 because "he was getting offers if $8000." Now the guy that bought it for $6000 wants $7500.
  11. I think I have a similar issue... I used to have my hood release cable wrapped up in my apron and it would sometime come loose under the car. I would have this weird noise that sounded like the cable touching my fan, but now that I have the cable in the right spot I know it's not touching the fan... Yet I still get that same sound intermittently. It's weird. Do your noise sound like something in the fan?
  12. 1. Make a better thread title so people actually know what they are clicking. You'll get more responses. 2. Shouldn't they all be the same for the NA Zs? 3. Try RockAuto
  13. Tim do you have the weber tuning procedure for the 32/36?
  14. Without searching, I think the 720 diesels had a GR starter. I mostly just need to get mine aligned properly so it catches the flexplate. Then I can worry about fancy-smancy starters.
  15. I'll be in the area on the 7th. Maybe I'll go check it out, thanks.
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