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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Liquids cannont be compressed... :rofl: JK I love you Dave.
  2. Yes. Build thread updated sometime soon I think :) Couldnt tell you, only time will tell. Ive bought and sold things since the change so it seems to work fine.
  3. All moderators and Thomas have all said that it wil not be changed back. If it was going to be changed, wouldnt it have been done by now? Just because something is physically possible doesnt mean its going to happen. I can physically rob a bank. That doesnt mean I will...
  4. I dont know why you keep trying to argue with me over that point. You and I AGREE. A group poll or a discussion prior to the change is the way it should have been done. It wasnt and the classifieds are here to stay. I have realized that point. You have not. No matter how much I want the old classifieds back (because I do), they are not coming back. I have now made the best of it... you have not.
  5. Then that vote will be ignored and the classifieds will stay. Just because you allow a vote doesnt mean they have to do anything about it. It wont change that the classifieds are still the immovable object.
  6. Yes, its physically possible to revert back to normal. It wont be though... thats the point. So now youre personally attacking people? If you do not have something constructive to say, you should probably keep quiet. If you feel to continue to argue over the classifieds, none of the moderators will lose sleep over it. You will just be arguing with no resolution. Have fun.
  7. I will stand behind the otter with a "meh." It takes a lot for me to really enjoy a roadster. Its a clean car for sure, but what makes it special over all the other roadsters? I really wish people werent afraid to actually modify a roadster.
  8. You can keep saying that all you want, but it wont change. Dont you think that with all the trouble and dissent thats been going on lately, that if the mods wanted to, they would just go back? But they are not... so no matter how squeaky you are, you will not get what you want. I vote (Im allowed to right) that you guys take all this effort youre putting towards trying to sway an immovable object, and learn to use the new system, make some suggestions for tweaks, and get back to everyone being friends. You will get more satisfaction in that then you will going down this path. At least with my way you can still sell parts, read up on build threads, and get a bit of satisfaction that youre moving forward. The way youre continuing youre just going to be grumpy forever with no resolution. If thats what you want, then so be it. I just thought youd like to continue along with Ratsun and keep on keeping on.
  9. But it has been said... there is no going back to the old ways. You do not have the power and I do not have the power to change it. Its set in stone, its not going anywhere.
  10. Do you have previous swap experience? Previous classic car experience?
  11. I thought you said youve never drifted?
  12. Good luck with that... I hope you post lots of pictures of the swap. When is this all suppose to be taking place?
  13. But its not hard is it? You click on the questions tab and ask a question. When its answered you receive a notification about your answer. That can be said about both sides which circles perfectly around to why Banner was on vacation. Both sides should have dealt with it differently. Mods should have acted differently before the change and some members should have acted differently after the change. I dont see how everyone cant drop all this nonsense and go back to Ratsun. The classifieds are hear to stay and everyone has voiced their opinion. If its something you cant absolutely deal with, then no one is requiring you to stay here. Many of us has decided to make due with the changes because we like it hear enough to get over the situation. Its not the end of the world, we will survive. Maybe in the future the Mods will remember what happened and make some changes on how they handle updates. Does everyone see that at this point in time, nothing is going to change with this situation? Can we just move on?
  14. Are you guys really that thick? No one has ever said people cant have opinions or a voice. Its a public forum, every can have an opinion. If we didnt none of these threads would have lasted longer than a page. Its HOW Banner went about it. Thats the problem. Its not like he simply said the forum sucks and he was then promptly kicked out. There is no techincal mumbo jumbo to finding a single link thats on every page right under the search box. If youre an active enough member then youve seen the link and you know where the general section is. If its a top thread and not way buried then youre smart enough to see it. The moderator team doesnt have to hold your hand to see things like that. Now deep profile setting to change all sorts of things around I can see older or compluter unfriendly members having problems with. New Content?- not so much. It should matter, I 100% agree with you on that topic. But the truth is it doesnt. And the lowest, simplest description of the issue with Adam is not that he said something. Its HOW he said something. Then continued to say it over and over and over and over and over and over. A cool conversation voicing your opinion is great. Running around talking shit and being a troll trying to smash your opinion into people faces and constantly making rude snarky comments over the situation is not how things get properly dealt with. I can have the opinion that Im not a fan of blacks. I can even say that civily. I cant go around finding all the black members and just call every a nigger. Then make threads talking shit about them and the such. Have a voice, dont be a hate filled jackass. Its simple. (hypothetical situation)
  15. Whats this "220hp motor" youre putting in there?
  16. My statement still stands. No one has called you a troll... You just said its only a couple hundred active people... now its "big." If you cant figure out how to see an active topic at the top of New Content or the top of General, then maybe you shouldnt be voting. You gave people the chance to speak their mind with your poll and the moderator team gave everyone a chance to speak their mind on the change and guess what? Neither matters. Adam is still on his temp vacation and the classifieds are still here. Regardless of how it should be thats the way it is.
  17. right click on your flickr image. Select what size you want. right click again and copy the image URL. In the reply box, click the green polaroid icon. Paste in the URL you copied. Welcome to the site. Glad to see someone finally putting this together and Im glad it stayed here on Ratsun. Always sucks to see cars leave the community. Good luck with the build.
  18. So having an open poll in a public forum is not enough? Im sure these threads have been in New Contents first page for weeks now... now moderators are required to force you to vote? That doesnt sound very community based either. Why cant an open poll where you can either choose or choose not to vote be ok?
  19. I never said it shouldnt. I dont like the new classifieds either Lou... but I at least figured out that no matter what we say, its not going to change. So I moved on, made a few FS ads, and learned to live with it. It would have been nice if they asked how we felt prior to the shift, but they didnt. Maybe for the next change they will try it out... one can only hope. Dont be a child, I never called you a troll; I was talking about Redbanner. And nowhere have I ever said that opinions make trolls... now you are just trying to mix words up.
  20. So only 25% of a couple hundred active members want him back... not a majority.
  21. I dont understand how youre not getting this man... the change wasnt a community based decision and its not required to be. But they let everyone discuss it afterwards... they have let multiple threads go on for many pages with people making comments and such about it. They listened and felt it didnt change anything. Its going to be the same with a poll. We will all vote and regardless of the outcome the classifieds will stay. This poll does speak volumes. It says that people can run around like an idiot doing and saying whatever they want, spreading discontent everywhere and not be held accountable for their actions. Thats what people feel is appropriate here. Everyone should be allowed some freedom to have fun and let loose, but when your only content for posting is how much this place sucks and youve become an actuall internet troll then you need a mandatory short vacation. That should go for ANY member regarless of how valuable to the community. New, senior, American, Canadian, member, moderator...
  22. I didnt say there was a vote. I said there was a discussion. He has already spoke his mind... why do you think he was banned? He continually spoke his mind like an idiot. Things would have been a lot different if he spoke with a cool demeanor and attitude. He wasnt banned for no reason.
  23. There was a community discussion... where the hell have you been Lou?! This is like the 5th thread to spiral into classifieds bullshit. There wasnt a thread prior to the change, but if a community discussion would have changed that, then the 5 or more threads afterwards with something like 60 accumulative pages of comments would have changed it. This is an open forum. Everyone had a chance to talk about it, voice their opinion in A POSITIVE manner. The mods didnt feel a need to change back. End of story.
  24. Agreed. Its a long time running joke that JRock gets banned repeatedly and it gets brought up every time he comes back... not a single time has anyone protested it. Im not saying anyone should... Agreed. They should and his were. There probably isnt a single active member on this site that doesnt know his opinion. It was heard and because the Moderation Team wasnt going to change the classifieds it was passed over. He voiced his opinion and it didnt matter. Then he just sprialed into a giant hissy fit and acted immature. Being an idiot isnt covered under everyone should have their opinion heard. Once again... not going to happen. I dont evenknow why people still bring up changing the classifieds system. Its obvious its not going to change.
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